The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
We have now been in quarantine for an entire year. Looking back on my FB memories to this time last year, I think I actually believed we were going to do this for a month, maybe two, tops. How wrong we all were, right?
The good news is that both my husband and I are scheduled to get our first covid vaccine on the 24th! Then we'll have the second one in mid-April. I'm so relieved. I feel like the end of this nightmare for the whole world is in sight.
We have chosen to send the kids back to hybrid school too, starting after spring break. By that time, we'll have our second shots, and the kids schools have been awesome about distancing and disinfecting. Though there have been cases at the schools, there's been no transmission THROUGH the school. Most of the kids or staff have gotten sick because of outside community contact. We feel confident the kids will be fine, especially with both adults vaccinated.
In writing news, I have been working on five chapters a day of THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI. I hope to have my first pass of the copy edits done by Wednesday, second pass plus listen should be done by the weekend, and then I can hand it off to my proofreader and ARC readers! I am going to be developing a map for this series, too. Lots of fun stuff ahead!
There was one day this week where it was 70ºF outside! I had my afternoon decaf coffee on the deck.
Another look at Lulu's spotted belly.
Lulu and me out for a walk on a beautiful afternoon!
Once the weather warms up and the sun is stronger, this is where we can find her during the day.
Exercising has really become my escape.
I took my FTP test again (learn more about FTP here), and I just barely made it through alive. I think my problems with the test are mental. I get really anxious beforehand and my heart rate skyrockets. But I finished it. I can only hope the test gets easier for me as I progress through my fitness journey.
And a final look at how far I've come. The photo on the left showed up in my FB memories this week and I just thought WOW. I really have been doing the hard work. Weight loss was important to me because the extra weight I was carrying was not healthy. Just NOT good for me. My hips hurt all the time and it caused even more sleep disruptions than I already deal with. But now that I weigh less I'm able to do more fitness-wise too. I'm happy with my progress and I'm within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I hope to lose that this year.
Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.