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Sunday Update – March 7, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

The sleeplessness continued this week despite cutting out afternoon caffeine, mainly because of how windy it was here. We had several windy nights this past week that kept me awake in the middle of the night. Then last night, Lulu started barking at 1am which she never does. When we let her out, I smelled skunk, but she just barked, peed, and came back in. I have a feeling she heard an animal fight with a skunk right outside and it spooked her. I don't remember the last time I woke up from a night of sleep and felt good. Does that ever happen anymore? Is that never going to happen to me again?

I spent most of the week working on my freelance project and it's almost done. I'll be handing off most of the website this coming week. Once that's done, I'll be working on the final edits to THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI since it's up for pre-order now. Then I'll return to my novella I'm writing and get that done so I can get started on Skylar's series!

This week was also the penultimate week of the 8-week Power Zone Challenge. I had three REALLY hard rides this week. Two of them went way into the upper zones and really pushed me to work. The third ride was 90-minutes long. I'm really glad I did this challenge because I can definitely see how much I've improved. This coming week is the last week and I will mostly be doing endurance rides and then re-take the FTP test on Saturday.

Not many photos this week. I was just too busy…

Made one of my favorite comfort foods this week. This is teriyaki seitan with onions and kale over multigrain rice. I love this dish.

How is that comfortable?

I tried to knit on the couch every single night this week.

And yesterday morning, I had my cup of tea and then got on the bike for a 90-minute class. It was a good look at how I can handle long rides. This spring I hope to do a 50 mile ride over two days. So it looks like I'll have to do 2 hours of riding each day to complete that. Good times!

Have a great week everyone! Stay healthy and safe!

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S. J. Pajonas