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March 2021 Goals

March is here! We are approaching SPRING! Thank goodness.

What happened with February's Goals

Revise THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI and get the outline off to my blurb writers. Done and done. I have feedback from one of my readers and I have the new blurb from my blurb writers. Yay!

Reveal cover and pre-order for THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI. Didn't happen because I wanted the blurb first. I will be doing this this week instead!

Brainstorm an idea for an anthology I've been invited to write in. I've brainstormed this and started writing it.

Build two websites. I only mostly built one website. Pushed the second website to March.

Continue on with SFR Station. I got shit done.

Setup blog posts for my pen name for February. Um, I only set up one of these.

Continue with the Power Zone Pack Challenge and Peloton strength classes. The challenge has been hard but I have stuck with it and I'm seeing huge gains in my overall fitness. I reached 150 strength classes this month!

Continue with fasting. Clean fasting has gone well!

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. I read every day but I finished an audiobook a few weeks ago and haven't picked up another one. I don't know why. Knitting has only been happening sporadically.

March Goals

Reveal cover and pre-order for THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI. I'm looking at April 23rd right now for publication of this book.

Finish off final edits of THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI and prep for publication. This involves making changes to the manuscript to correct some things, then line/copy edits, listen, and then off to my proofreaders.

Setup promos for a free run of CRASH LAND ON KURAI. I plan to offer CRASH LAND ON KURAI free during April in the lead-up to the 4th book publishing. So I need to figure out how much I want to spend on that, which promos to choose, and then start the process of scheduling everything.

Continue to write my anthology novella. I would like to finish this in March. It's not due until July but I want to have my readers read it and get feedback so I need time for that.

Brainstorm my first Skylar novel, the beginning of the Amagi Series. It's time to get some real thoughts down in Evernote about this first book and what I want to happen with the 6 book series. I hope to be writing it in April!

Finish my freelance build. This is almost done. I need to import in content from the old site to the new one, fix a few things, and then my client can run with the rest.

Build my anthology website. The anthology I'm running needs a website. It doesn't have to be much but it needs something.

Continue on with SFR Station. The usual needs doing here.

Figure out what I should do with my pen name. I'm not sure what to do here. I'm thinking about leaving the website as-is for now and not adding anything new, and not doing anything with the name. I don't see myself writing cozies again for a few years, if ever again. I'm at an impasse.

Finish the Power Zone Pack Challenge and move onto my own strength calendar. The challenge will be done in two weeks. Then I can start choosing my own rides again and I have a new calendar that includes barre classes and my resistance bands too.

Continue with fasting. Same old stuff here. I hope that if I can continue with my 18:6 fasting through the summer, I can try some longer fasts in the fall.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. I need to continue my commitment to read every single day this year. Audiobooks for walks and knitting every weekend.

That's it! Have a great month everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas