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Sunday Update – January 31, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What a long week! And a long month too. Something about January always feels super long, after a December spent living it up for the holidays.

This week was a lot of the same-old same-old around here. Lots of dog walking, Peloton, kids in school, running errands, and editing Hikoboshi Book 4, THE RISE OF SHIROI NAMI.

The only thing noteworthy that happened this week was that I slept on my shoulder wrong Sunday or Monday night (I can't remember which) and I was in pain for most of the week because of it. My husband was horrified by the knot in my shoulder when I asked him to help me out with a little massage. It was bad. I had to tough it out for as long as I could because I don't want to be dependent on ibuprofen for this kind of stuff. It's not good for my stomach. Anyway, I did take ibuprofen on Friday night after heating my shoulders all evening and finally woke up pain free on Saturday. Honestly, I don't expect it to last. I live with upper back and shoulder pain about 70% of the time. Yes, I'm in pain about 70% of my days. It leads to other things like poor sleep, too, so it becomes debilitating after a while. I just do my best to get through it, especially now that I don't have access to massage with the pandemic.

I also did not take many photos, but here are a few…

Lots of working out happening. I love my trusty bandanas.

Here's a look at what I'm doing in my training right now. Long rides and building endurance.

It was so cold this week I had a day when I needed two scarves to walk Lulu.

Speaking of Lulu, she still loves the sun.

And finally, we had Japanese oden and soba noodle soup for dinner last night thanks to a trip to the Asian grocery store! It was super delicious.

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy.

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S. J. Pajonas