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Sunday Update – January 3, 2021

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Almost wrote 2020! Which is strange seeing as how I wanted 2020 to just be over already. Lol.

Lots happened around here the last two weeks, and yet still, it wasn't much of anything. The kids had school all the way up to the day before Christmas Eve, so that week was still more of the usual. I spent FOUR DAYS in the afternoons helping my youngest clean out her room. It was a disaster of huge proportions, junk everywhere. We worked on a different area each day until it was all done, and I think we threw away about four trash bags worth of stuff. Had to make room for Christmas gifts! Then on Christmas Eve we made our usual Christmas cookies and had a nice dinner together.

We celebrated Christmas Day at home and zoomed with our families. Everyone was happy with their gifts, even Lulu. She got some stuffed sloth that's really cute and she loves playing with. Unfortunately, I was tasked with getting a new iPad and a new iPhone moved over, and that was an exercise in frustration. As a note for the future, NEVER DO THIS ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Literally EVERYONE is doing this with Christmas gifts and the Apple servers were unhappy. I have learned my lesson to wait a few days. But now every iPad and iPhone in the house are running smoothly and up to date.

Exercise-wise, I had a great week with Peloton. I've been doing the Power Zone bike rides and working on training. Plus I add-on strength, pilates, or yoga most days. Things are going well there!

I spent most of this past week just chilling. I did a little work Tuesday, but otherwise, I knit, read, and watched TV, along with my regular workouts. Nothing worth noting, really, except the eternal struggle to make FIRST FLYGHT free on Amazon. They have a ridiculous system where you can't just set the book to “free” $0.00. Oh no. You have to set it free everywhere else and ask them to price match! How fucking stupid is that? I've done it half a dozen times in my career, and it always sucks to have to beg to have your book free. But eventually, they did make it free in every market but Mexico. Not sure why Mexico doesn't get free books, but I don't feel like writing them again about it. I wake up every morning and check to make sure it's still free because I have ads coming up for it.

Tomorrow I start edits on AN UNFORGIVING DESERT! Woo! I can't wait to get that done.

Just a peek at some of the work I did on the youngest child's room. This book case took us two hours to organize and purge. We gave away a lot of books!

Christmas Eve cookies before decorating.

Christmas Day started with presents. Here's what I got! Can't wait to switch over to my new Hello Kitty Lesportsac today.

Then I made pancakes and did the Peloton Beatles ride after with my favorite instructor, Leanne.

Out for a walk with Lulu. All this snow melted on Christmas!

We've been making a lot of good food. My husband made homemade pita bread and I ate it with a giant salad.

My fortune cookie fortune was weird.

New Year's Eve and my youngest fell asleep on the couch with the dog. Lol.

New Year's Day smoked fish appetizers and rosé Bollinger. Plus, reading on the couch!

And a peek at Power Zone training. I took the FTP test (Functional Threshold Power) to get my “zones” to train in and then these graphs are made by Power Zone Pack. As I get better, I'll stick to my zones without those wobbly lines and endurance will get easier too! Looking forward to seeing progress here!

Have a great week everyone! Stay healthy and safe.

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S. J. Pajonas