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November 2020 Goals

October seemed to last forever. It was the first month that didn't seem to speed by. Probably because I have been anticipating the election!

What happened with October's Goals

Finish reading and editing FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. Done!

Relaunch the Hikoboshi Series with new covers. Also done! Everywhere but Nook/Barnes & Noble because they were hacked this month and everything's been screwed up there ever since. If they never update my books, I may pull all my books from sale there. We'll see.

Start writing Book 4 of the Hikoboshi Series. It's started! I'm enjoying the writing so far, even though there have been plenty of days where I DID NOT WANT TO WRITE. Ugh.

Close out my Move Rings every day on my Apple Watch. Done! I actually closed out ALL THREE RINGS every day for the whole month!

Send out a newsletter to my pen name's meager list. Um, I totally forgot about this. I had the best of intentions and meant to do it. But I forgot. Sigh.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. My knitting is going well! I'm making good progress on it. I'm enjoying my current audiobook and ebook. No complaints here!

November Goals

Win NaNoWriMo! It's not enough just to participate, I want to win! And that means writing 50k this month. Which I have done before, of course, but have I done it in the middle of a pandemic with my kids remote learning? NO I HAVE NOT. So it will be more of a challenge than usual.

Send out a newsletter for my pen name. Okay, what I think I need to do here is schedule this thing. The first Friday of every month, I should send one out. That's my new goal from now on.

Write 5 blog posts for the Flyght Blog Tour. I would like to have these done by Nov 20th.

Schedule all of my promotion ads for January and February. There will be some upcoming sales in the New Year! And regular promotions of my permafree books. I need to schedule all of those ads. It's a lot of work but I'll get it done.

Take a break on SFR Station. I have scheduled three weeks off from SFR Station. One in November for Thanksgiving week. And then the last two weeks of December, I'll also be taking a break from the Station. I have continually posted 10 books per week since April 2019. It's time I took a little time off for the holidays.

Continue with my Apple Watch exercise streak! I'm aiming for a Perfect Month. All three rings closed every day, and a workout logged for every day. This includes…

Continue my Peloton riding. I want to workout on the Peloton 3x per week every week.

Continue with my good eating. Despite the ENORMOUS amount of Halloween candy at home and upcoming THANKSGIVING, I will ignore most of it and continue with my good eating habits I've developed over this year. I've mostly been able to avoid candy, but now it's hard with so much of it around. I need to stay away!

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. Keep up the good work here!

That's it for November! But it's plenty. Lol. Have a great month everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas