A great way to start September is to mostly break my website and have to put it together again! Yay!
What Happened With August's Goals?
Read CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD and make edits to it. Done!
Write a few extra scenes for CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD. I didn't write anything of this. I just brainstormed.
Start writing my Flyght novella. I did start this novella and I'm on track to finish it by the middle of September. I was going to write a Vivian/Flyght novella. Instead I'm writing a Skylar novella.
Read over anthology submissions. Done! We made our choices and sent out emails!
Finish with freelance work. Can you believe that I'm still working on this? I did finish off the majority of the work but I still have to make training videos.
Continue the Summer of SFR! This is done!
Schedule posts for my pen name. I only updated the blog over there once this month.
Switch over to the new email newsletter system for my pen name. Done!
Close out my Move Rings every day on my Apple Watch. Done! And now I'm working on closing ALL my rings every day. No photo this month because I broke the backend of my website by updating to WP 5.5 and that means I can't add an image in this post. Sigh.
Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. There's been audiobooks and reading, but no knitting.
Goals For September
Start my kids on remote learning and not kill anyone. I'm not looking forward to starting remote learning again. It was super stressful the first time around. I'm sure there'll be tears, and I will go days without writing. Universe, PLEASE BE KIND!
Finish my Skylar novella. I should be done with this by mid-September.
New covers for the Hikoboshi Series. My cover designer is back from her vacation and she's working on CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD and FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. They should be done by the end of the month and then I can update these books!
Update my website. It appears that even though I was planning on updating this website, I HAVE TO now because WP 5.5 broke my theme. It's okay. I was planning on using a whole new theme anyway. Be prepared for site weirdness for the next two weeks.
Finish with freelance work. REALLY.
Schedule posts for my pen name. I have identified a few posts I can bring over to my pen name's website. So I'll do that after I update this website.
Close out my Move Rings every day on my Apple Watch. I figured out that I can turn on my Stand reminders and then close out ALL my rings every day!
Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. The usual.
Have a great September everyone! Stay home and stay safe!