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The Summer of SFR Is Over! The Blog Is Taking A Break…

Like the title suggests, the Summer of SFR is over. It's been really great hosting all of these talented authors here on my blog and reading and reviewing SFR all summer long. The books that I read and enjoyed have already been posted to the blog, so I hope you find something in the Book Chat for you!

Unfortunately, there were MANY books that I did not finish or even make it very far into. It appears that I have a preference for science fiction romance — I like space opera action adventure with a strong romance. Many of the books I read that I set aside were very thin on the world-building and heavy on the sex. Not my scene. I need a real beefy world to sink my teeth into. So if I recommended a book in the Book Chat, that's what I read and enjoyed.

Running the Summer of SFR taught me a few things about this genre that I call home…

  • The authors I met and talked to were all fantastic human beings. But unfortunately, many of them did not share the posts I made for them like they promised to when they signed up. So, while I think the Featured Author spots were good for MY readers, and you are my first priority, I don't think they brought me many new readers from the audiences of the other authors. Live and learn.
  • There is a huge variety of SFR out there! Which is great for readers who want diversity within this genre. I was able to find other authors who write like I do and further cultivate my “tribe.”
  • I need recommendations from people who understand what I write and love to read. I tried just finding books based on covers and blurbs, but I didn't have much luck there. I did find books I loved when I asked someone else what I should read. Word-of-mouth recommendations are more important than ever!

I think now and into the future, I will be concentrating more on providing you, my readers, with recommendations and features based on books that I have read personally. Author features will be from people I know and trust. Book Chats will continue to feature books I've read and enjoyed. Plus, there will be promotions I'm involved in, my own original writing, and blog posts on topics I'm interested in.

Blog and Website Maintenance

The blog is now on a low-content hiatus until mid-September! Except for one piece of content I have to publish on September 4th and my monthly goals on the 1st, I will not be actively writing here because I will be updating the front and back-end of the website!

I'll be introducing a new WordPress template, cutting plugins from the backend, updating everything from front to back. It's a big task, and I expect the website to be a little hinky during the upgrade. If you stop by and things are weird, this is why. I promise things will smooth themselves out eventually. When I start updating regularly again, you can be assured that I've worked out about 98% of the kinks. Yes, this also means no Sunday Updates, so you may not get a weekly Friday email from me one week. Don't panic. It's expected.

Okay! Onward with the updates and into the school year! I'll have lots to tell you about when I return.

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S. J. Pajonas