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Book Chat #60 – Rachel Vincent #summerofSFR

Continuing with my Summer of SFR, I decided this time to listen to a YA sci-fi dystopian romance!

BRAVE NEW GIRL by Rachel Vincent (Books2Read)

I really enjoyed this book! But I have to say right off the bat that this is not a complete story by any means. It's the first book in a duet and it ends on a cliffhanger, not having resolved anything of the main story. It left ALL the questions open. Normally, I find that to be rather annoying, and I figured I'd mention it in case you want something that has a satisfying ending.

But regardless, I listened to this book on all my walks recently and found I was engaged and wondering what was happening the entire time. I love a book that really grabs my attention and holds on. Dahlia 16 is one of 5000 people in her genome generation, made to be gardeners. She shares a face with 4999 other girls! Her life is orderly and neat, learning her trade so she can go on to be a gardener in her city, Lakeview. I liked that the story focused on her solitary viewpoint and slowly expanded to show us more and more of the city and the life in which she inhabits. That was so nicely done! And her awakening of her body and purpose with the help of Trigger 17 was fun and exciting. It was a good romance storyline.

Since this is an incomplete story and I did enjoy it, I'll be picking up Book 2 in the fall and finishing it up. I hope Book 2 completes this story! I want to know what happens outside of Lakeview!

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S. J. Pajonas