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Sunday Update – August 2, 2020

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another week of not doing much! I miss the trips to tennis lessons, kids sporting events, the pool, and Panera. Like, A LOT. I didn't have a super social life before the pandemic, but it's becoming apparent now that I really liked the few things I did!

This week, tile was completed and sealed in the bathroom! We're really happy with it, and our tile guy is absolutely amazing. He matched up the tile beautifully in the corners. Tony is amazing! Now, we move on to the vanity, medicine cabinet, painting and accessories!

I also finished my read through of CRASH LAND ON KURAI and made it through most of CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD. I'm remembering why I loved writing this series! And I'm excited to finish it off!

Nothing much else happened. I ate a lot of salads. I got another haircut. We watched Sumo every day.

Tile progress! The tub is covered in these photos but the shower surround is done!

Saw this great Stitch chalk drawing while out walking.

I'm trying bug spray in order to stay outside and read. It's only moderately working.

Lulu loves to be close by.

Artichokes are so pretty.

I ate a lot of salads this week in an attempt to clear the freezer of frozen fake crab and the fridge of all produce.

And that's it for this week! Stay safe and stay healthy!

S. J. Pajonas