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Book Chat #57 – Jessie Mihalik and Tasha Black #summerofSFR

It's the first Summer of SFR Book Chat! These are books that I read in preparation for the Summer of SFR, and they were total winners! I'm reading another great book right now that I hope to share with you next week. Onward!

THE QUEEN’S ADVANTAGE by Jessie Mihalik (Via Books2Read)

I think I liked this one better than the first book! There was more of a mystery and I saw a conspiracy around every corner. And the relationship between Queen Samara and Emperor Valentin was well done too. It was interesting to see how Mihalik fleshed out the worlds of this empire and the people who inhabit them. There was plenty of intrigue in this story to keep you guessing. I’m looking forward to the last book in the series!

CHAOS REIGNING by Jessie Mihalik (Via Books2Read)

A fantastic end to this series! It was great to see the youngest daughter, Cat, hold her own and figure out how to save her family AND the Earth. Mihalik brought together several storylines in a way that paid off and made sense. And the sex scenes with Alexander were blistering, even if the poor couple kept getting interrupted. Lol. I adored Alexander as a hero, always encouraging Cat to try harder or shrug off the expectations of others. And I LOVED the ending. All in all, this series is not to be missed! From beginning to end, it was fantastic.

BOND by Tasha Black (Via Books2Read)

I picked up BOND in a box set sometime recently and wondered what the story would be like. I really enjoyed it! I love the little “space” town where everything is named for something astronomical. The fair games were a great way to show off the characters, and Posey and Bond had a great connection. I also loved Posey’s friends who have stories of their own in same box set. I hope to go back and read those in the future. This one was a fun and quick read!

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S. J. Pajonas