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Introducing Steph Gennaro, Cozy Mysteries in Japan

It's the announcement I'm sure many of you have been waiting for!

I have moved all of my cozy mysteries to my new pen name, Steph Gennaro! This was a long, arduous process involving MANY steps and town of work, but I'm finally ready to reveal this transition to all of my readers.

BTW, isn't the logo adorable? Thank you to Najla Qamber for such an awesome design that I totally love! And another big thanks to Lola Verroen for helping me with all the Goodreads stuff.

I know many of you are only sci-fi romance readers or only cozy mystery readers, so this division of my books will help you get the news you want to get. You can unsubscribe from this website/newsletter and subscribe to the newsletter for Steph Gennaro, and never miss one of her books! Or you can subscribe to both! It's up to you. I want to provide you with the most flexibility available.

The new pen name, Steph Gennaro, not only has a new website, but she also has a new Facebook page, BookBub profile, Amazon author page, and Goodreads profile. So be sure to follow all of them as well.

Besides the name change, on the covers and in the manuscripts, and the new website, nothing major has changed with the Miso Cozy Mysteries books. Everything about the stories is the same. If you're in the middle of the series, you can keep going with the books under the name, Steph Gennaro, and you will miss nothing!

So I hope that by separating these very distinct genres under the two names will help people decide on what to read of mine. As you can see, I'm not keeping the pen name secret or anything. It's just a way to differentiate my work.

Visit Steph Gennaro's Website

Thank you for bearing with me as I make this transition!

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S. J. Pajonas