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June 2020 Goals

April showers bring May flowers… and there were a lot of those and more this past month. But now we're onto June! My favorite month of the year…

What Happened With May's Goals?

Finish copy edits Flyght Book 6 and send off to proofreader. Done! And yes, I got this book off to my ARC list just in time. Some on my ARC team have already read it!

Continue with freelance work. I'm chugging along with freelance work at about the pace of 5-8 hours per week. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I can get a lot done in a little amount of time. And I'm making all of my goals for my client so that's good!

Close out my Move Rings every day on my Apple Watch. The streak lives on! I managed to log a workout 26 out of 31 days this month. I took 5 rest days, mostly because of my leg. Somedays it just hurts, and that's an indication I need a break from walking. Still, I always managed to burn enough calories to hit my move goals!

More of keeping my kids sane through this coronavirus isolation. We've been very busy this month and I think my kids are still doing well, so that's a blessing.

Update the blog more often. I seem to only update 2-3 times per week, and I suppose that's enough for now.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. I kept listening, reading, and only did a little knitting because I was sewing.

Finish my Space Masterclass. Still not finished with this. It's a lot longer than I thought it was!

Goals For June

Launch Flyght Book 6! I can't believe the Flyght Series is over! I plan to make a day of the publication with a fancy breakfast and hopefully a cake too.

Continue with freelance work. We're making great progress on this website! And I think I might actually finish it in June. The bulk of the programming work is done. We just have lots of little things to do. I need to make a list of outstanding items and really just get to it.

Start on my branding redesign for S. J. Pajonas. My designer is working on my logo and branding for both this name and my pen name. I should have those final files this week! And this means I can start the switch! I'll start with updating branding on the website, then social media and my newsletter. July will probably be spent working on my pen name.

Close out my Move Rings every day on my Apple Watch. I am determined to keep this going come hell or high water.

Finish off the school work for the kids. The kids will finish school this month and then we'll transition into summer mode.

Come up with a summer schedule. As the kids transition into summer, I cannot CANNOT hear constantly that they're bored without summer camp. I have purchased them some Make Your Own kits for the summer, we're going to do a summer book club with friends, they'll do some online classes, and play outside. If I set up a schedule, they are more likely to stick with it. So that's what I'm going to do.

Start the Summer of SFR! Starting June 22, I'll be focusing on sci-fi romance (SFR) all summer. I'll be featuring authors here on the blog, and I'll be recommending books I've read here and on Bookbub and on Instagram. I hope you'll join in!

Read CRASH LAND ON KURAI and make edits to it. I will be revising this book to bring forward the romance a little. The romance elements are stronger in Books 2 and onward, and I want to brand this as a slow-burn romance series. So I'll just be making some small tweaks to this.

Audiobooks, reading, and knitting. The usual and I'll be listening and reading to SFR, of course.

Have a great June everyone! Stay home and stay safe!

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S. J. Pajonas