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TV Chat #4 – Ozark

After finishing PICARD and WESTWORLD, my husband and I moved onto OZARK (Netflix), which I had heard from others was a good bet.

If you loved Breaking Bad and Sopranos, then Ozark is the show for you.

The Byrdes, Marty, Wendy, and their two kids, are an upper middle class family in Chicago, doing well for themselves, even if there's unhappiness in their personal lives. Marty has been laundering money for a Mexican drug cartel for years, and his business partner gets caught skimming from the profits. Oops. Marty and his family barely avoid death, and they end up in Southern Missouri at Lake Ozark to prove their loyalty to the cartel and continue to launder money.

This is the perfect show for you if you LOVE gray areas. Tony Soprano and Walter White were anti-hero characters that got mired in the gray areas of life. We followed along, both in horror at their decisions and showing sympathy for the precarious positions they got caught in. I love that in a good TV show! I felt the same way about MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.

So, the show is dark. There are bad decisions, sex, violence, and a whole lot of wow moments. But it is extremely watchable. And I'm often blown away by how well-plotted the events are. I can clearly see how the decisions the characters make translate to the issues they encounter.

Jason Bateman and Laura Linney are fantastic in their roles on this show, and I'm really happy with all the secondary characters (though I want to give their daughter the boot). The Ozark Mountain area is really pretty and provides a beautiful backdrop to this show as well.

With three seasons to watch, this will keep you occupied for a few days or weeks, depending on how fast you binge watch! We're halfway through Season 2 now, and we'll continue until we run out of episodes.

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S. J. Pajonas