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Life in the Time of Social Distancing

We're living in interesting times, right?

Due to the spread of COVID-19, we've had a lot of time at home recently, more than usual for both my kids and my husband. The kids are schooling-from-home with distance learning provided by our school district. My husband is on conference calls several times a day. Everyone is getting by.

For me, this is not that much of a change except that my house is noisier than it used to be and my carefully crafted schedule is shot to shit. But some things are different. I'm not getting in the car every day for softball, lacrosse, and tennis lessons and practice. No more quick trips to the pharmacy or bank. I won't be grocery shopping this week. I'm not saying hi to the crossing guards on the corners every morning. Other people are walking Lulu too so it's not just the two of us anymore.

One thing I love about this isolation is the extra time I have for cooking, baking, and knitting. I'm trying out lots of low-carb and keto recipes (I am not keto but cutting back on carbs), and we're eating well as a family. I'm almost done with my current knit! I hope to show it off here on the blog next week.

I know this is what we have to do to curb the spread of this disease, so I'm not complaining. I AM worried about what's to come or what will happen to our lives once this quarantine is over. I'd love to return to “normal” but is that even achievable? I hope so.

In writing, my work has proceeded as best to normal as I can. I finished writing Flyght 6 (titled STOLEN FLYGHT) this week! It was an emotional moment for me, but I didn't cry like I thought I would. There are too many other emotions wrapped up in my body right now to let ANYTHING out. Lol. I have the proofread version of SILENT FLYGHT ready to go, and I plan to upload that to all the stores today. I'm taking a week off from writing to mull over everything I need to fix in Flyght 6 and make my notes along the way. Then I start revisions there! I hope to have it up for pre-order soon, too.

I hope you all are hanging in! Tell me what you've been doing during your social distancing! I'd love to hear what you've been up to.

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S. J. Pajonas