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Sunday Update – March 15, 2020

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Well, I survived Girl Scout camp last weekend to come home to prep for coronavirus, COVID-19. Yes, we're socially distancing here. It seems like the right thing to do, so we're doing it. I got some grocery shopping done on Friday morning and the shelves at Whole Foods were mostly stripped bare by the time I got there at 9am on Friday. I have a delivery coming from Peapod on Monday for the rest of the stuff I couldn't get.

All in all, I'm not too worried. My kids will hang out at home and go for walks. They start distance learning with school on Wednesday. My husband was already working from home. And of course, I can write and work from home as normal.

Both Tuesday and Thursday this past week, I went to Panera to get work done as fast as I could. Because I worked hard, the ARC for SILENT FLYGHT went out to my readers on Thursday. I'm almost done with Book 6, STOLEN FLYGHT, too. And then I take off two weeks before I start editing that book.

Hopefully you're staying in and taking care of yourself!

What else happened this week…

I haven't talked much about this but I've been working on losing all the weight I gained while I sitting around with a broken leg. Part of that journey is changing the way I eat, hopefully for good, by going low carb, low sugar, and low calorie. So far I've lost more than 5lbs. 5lbs definitely from when I started tracking at the beginning of March, and more before that I'm sure. I still have plenty more to go! One way to cut the calories and carbs is to make things myself, so I whipped up some strawberry chia frozen yogurt yesterday and had some for dessert last night. It was delicious! And only 86 calories and 6g net carbs per serving.

Lulu continues to be a joy. She loves a good nap and laying in the sun outside.

Here's what I saw at the Whole Foods on Friday morning. I've never seen bare shelves there ever. They certainly are making a killing on groceries now.

I also bought this and really enjoyed it. I ordered some more flavors to come tomorrow!

Another thing I did this week was my last class of pottery for the session. I had nine pieces I had to glaze so I got them all done on Thursday. The museum where I take classes is now closed to the end of the month so I won't be able to pick these up till April.

I celebrated the completion of Book 5 with a nice glass of wine.

And this week I crossed over 60k in Book 6! I'm almost at 70k now. :)

Have a great week everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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S. J. Pajonas