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November 2019 Goals

November totally snuck up on me. I am surprised it's almost the end of the year!

What Happened With October's Goals?

Publish BROKEN FLYGHT. Done! As you probably already know. The launch went smoothly. No complaints.

Prep Book 3, HIGH FLYGHT, for publishing. Done. It's up there all ready to go.

Send HIGH FLYGHT to my ARC team. They got it, and those that were interested read it. I expect to get a review or two on release day.

Make teaser images for HIGH FLYGHT. Done! And done. All of them have been published to the blog now.

Start writing Flyght Book 5. I am 30,000 words into this book now! Writing is going well, and I expect to be done with this book by the end of the month.

Keep up with SFR Station. Kept on top of this!

Attend my last few outpatient physical therapy sessions. Done!

Walk. I did a lot of walking this month and I hope to do even more in November.

Reading and knitting. There was some reading but no knitting this month. Bummed about that.

Business Goals For November

Publish HIGH FLYGHT. This is all set to go next Friday. I'm so happy that I stayed on top of my releases! This will be the 4th book I've published for the year.

Keep writing Flyght Book 5 and finish it. It's my intention to finish this book this month and plot Book 6, which I strongly suspect will be the last book of the Flyght Series. Everything is finally coming together for Vivian in Book 5, and I can see how it will all end in Book 6. Yay!

Keep up with SFR Station. As usual now.

Personal Goals For November

Walk. It's my goal to walk 4-5 times every week. Now that we have a dog, I plan to be out with her a lot more than usual. We'll see how it goes.

Reading and knitting. I want to set aside time each week for knitting. Like, pick a day when I will actually do it and listen to an audiobook. We'll see if I can make it happen.

Have a great November everyone!

S. J. Pajonas