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Sunday Update – October 20, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another week, another post with a lot of Lulu photos!

Monday was a half day here. It was Indigenous Peoples Day nee Columbus Day and my kids had a half day at school. It was also the day we were to drop Lulu off at the shelter to be spayed. We knew this day would come, just not so fast. My youngest daughter cried when we left her at the shelter and I barely held it together. We went to bed early that night and enjoyed a night without taking the dog out.

Tuesday, our contractors started construction on the backyard. We're getting it relandscaped, which is something we've wanted to do forever and especially since I broke my leg out there. They did demolition out there all day on Tuesday. Then in the afternoon, we went to pick up Lulu from her spaying and formally adopt her! She's ours now! Yay! That evening she was obviously in pain and having trouble getting through the fog of anesthesia. I had to sit with her and keep my hand on her to stop her from shaking.

Wednesday, we hung out around home to make sure Lulu was recovering from her surgery. She woke at 4am and was whimpering and wanting to lick her sutures, so I held her from 4am to 6am when my husband got up. Then I got the kids off to school and went back to bed. We took turns taking care of her during the day. The kids had tennis in the afternoon so we did that too.

Thursday, Lulu was feeling herself again so I went to pottery in the morning, and then I came home and my husband went into the city for work stuff. I took care of her all afternoon and evening with the kids. We had construction here all day again too. The kids and I started watching the new season of The Flash too!

Friday, I went for a walk in the morning and then ran errands. Backyard landscaping construction continued. I got work done in the afternoon.

Saturday, it was mostly me and the kids at home with Lulu. We took her for a walk in the morning and another in the afternoon. I baked bread and my husband made seafood chowder to go with it for dinner.

Today, we slept in some and I got work done in the morning. At 11am, I took my oldest child to her first ever yoga class. I got her all signed in at an Absolute Beginner Yoga class that's right by the park I walk in. Then once class started, I left and went on a long, almost 3 mile walk and returned in time to pick her up. It worked out really well! She loved the class and wants to do it again. I listened to a whole audiobook short story on my walk too. I then ran errands with the kids after lunch and a shower. I spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen roasting butternut squash, baking apple crisp, and then cutting up apples for the dehydrator. This evening I'll be writing.

In writing news, I've made some progress on Flyght 5. Not as much as I hoped because the week was so busy. I also was lost on a plot point for this book, then I finally figured it out yesterday! So I wrote out what I want to happen in the next few chapters and I feel settled on that again. I hope to write more tonight. I did change my due date on this book to November 30th instead of the 15th. I need to give myself some breathing room, some space to read or knit. I haven't picked up my knitting needles since I was at the pool this summer. I desperately need some down time.

What else happened this week?

Here's what the backyard mostly looked like before we got started. My husband's garden came out first.

Here's what it looked like after some demolition.

Here's a lot of photos of Lulu.

This bread I made was pretty awesome.

Construction progress!! They delivered a ton of stone and then built most of a wall and some stairs!

Roasting happened today!

Progress was made on Flyght 5! And even more after this.

And finally, my park is starting to turn colors. Ah, autumn!

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S. J. Pajonas