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Sunday Update – September 22, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I'm going to hit you with the big news first! WE GOT A DOG! Well, she's a puppy. But yeah, we got a dog! We've been talking about getting a dog for months now, and my husband decided recently that now was the time. He said, “Talk to your friend, Amy, about getting a dog. Either a rescue or puppy from a reputable breeder.” So I did. Amy works with a local animal shelter so I asked her to keep her ears open for something that would fit our family. She also gave us the names of some pug breeders too.

Then, out of the blue, she let us know yesterday that there was a sweet small breed dog at the local shelter, a puppy, who would need to be fostered until she was spayed. We took one look at her and fell in love.

So, she's here! And her name is Lulu, and we love her already. We'll see how we all feel once the new puppy love wears off. Lol. Aw, puppies. If we can just potty train her, then I'll feel like we've made progress.

As for the rest of the week, it was kind of a blur. It's been super busy around here since school started!

I think on Monday I didn't do much except go for a walk and work. And watch a giant tree get taken down in our backyard! That was pretty epic. I love watching arborists work.

Tuesday was PT day and working day. Nothing exciting.

Wednesday was my super busy day. I had tea at my cousin's house with my mom, two aunts, and my cousin. We enjoyed gabbing and some tasty treats. Then I was at home for an hour or two before I took the kids to tennis. We got dinner on the way home, and then in the evening, I went to Back to School Night for my youngest.

Thursday, I had PT in the morning first thing at 9am, then I went to my first pottery class of the semester! It was great to get back on the wheel again! I came home and my mom was here! Yay! We hung out and talked for most of the afternoon. In the evening, we all went out to dinner as a family to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.

Friday was also a busy day. In the evening, my husband and I took an early train into the city and had an amazing dinner at Le Bernardin (Eric Ripert's restaurant) to celebrate our wedding anniversary. The only problem was that we got screwed on the way home by the trains. Our first train was canceled. Then we got on the next one and missed a connection because of signal problems. Our dinner ended at 8:00pm and we were still trying to get home at 11:00pm. Totally ridiculous. We eventually made it home with a combination of trains and Ubers. Unfortunately, the whole evening was really hard on my legs and feet. My feet and ankles were so swollen and still swollen the next day!

Saturday, my mom left and not but an hour later we got the call about the dog fostering. So the whole day was occupied by talking about the dog and what we would do and OMG WE'RE GOING TO GET A DOG! Still, I managed to get work done.

Today, it has been all dog, all the time. Which is great. It's quite a change. But I'm sure it'll be normal in no time. I need to change my author bio everywhere! Lol.

In writing/working news, I finished a second draft pass on Flyght Book 4 and got it off to my first readers. I also sent off all the details to my blurb writer for that book. I start copyedits on it tomorrow. I hope to finish with those by the end of the month.

What else happened this week?

First of all, puppy photos! This is Lulu. We love her already even though she only pees in the house. Lol. She's young. She'll figure it out.

This is the first photo I ever received of her, in her kennel at the shelter. How could I resist?

When I went on my walk on Monday, I got halfway around the park when it started to rain. Of course.

This is the ash tree we had taken down. It was about 30ft high and completely dead. What a bummer. But better to take it down now than allow it to fall on the house.

It was pretty darned big!

Here are my first pottery creations for this year!

My oldest daughter's new bike! Isn't it pretty? I love it.

And finally, one of the many courses we had at Le Bernardin on Friday night. Everything we ate was extraordinary, and we enjoyed it all! Just not the ride home. :)

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas