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Sunday Update – September 15, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It's Sunday again! The weeks just fly by now that the kids are back in school.

On Monday, I had the day to myself. I went for a walk in the morning and then edited Flyght 3 the rest of the day.

Tuesday was super busy. I had physical therapy in the morning. Then my oldest daughter had an honor roll assembly in the afternoon we had to attend. It was lovely to see all the kids who had done well last year! We picked up CSA and then I worked all afternoon.

On Wednesday, I took the day off from walking and my husband and I got errands done. We went to the bank to have some documents notarized, then to Costco to stock up on everything we hadn't bought in months. In the evening, I took the kids to tennis.

On Thursday, I had PT in the morning then I went to see my doctor about my broken leg. Good news! Everything is healing up and I'm now tapering off PT! After I went to see him, I went to Trader Joe's, as it's right next to his office. My daughter then had tutoring in the afternoon.

Friday was a pretty good day. I went for a walk in the park in the morning and then had coffee with my friend Amy. I got editing done the rest of the day.

Saturday was a little different. My husband went into the city all day to a conference, so I had the kids on my own. I got one of them to do crafting stuff while I worked. Then we ran errands together. My husband was home by 4pm and we all had dinner together.

Today, my youngest had TWO birthday parties to attend! She is so popular! ;) Lol. Honestly, that hardly ever happens. Anyway, while she was partying all day, I worked and my husband got other stuff done. We also had someone come by to talk to us about redoing all of our back landscaping. We need to fix the place where I fell and broke my leg. Hopefully it won't be too disruptive.

Editing of Flyght 3 is almost done! I should be able to hand it off to proofreaders tomorrow! Then I take a few days to read through Flyght 4, get the outline off to my blurb writer, and start editing that. Phew! Lots to do! I also have to make teasers for BROKEN FLYGHT tomorrow. I am swamped with work.

What else happened this week?

They've been taking down some big trees in the park lately. Probably in preparation for hurricane season? Not sure.

This one swan boat was all on its own out in the lake.

Lots of black-eyed susans.

This deer loves our yard. She's always lying in that space right next to our deck. I startle her every time I go outside.

I made Japanese Curry [recipe link] this week with some lovely purple daikon from our CSA.

Went out for coffee and a sweet treat with my friend, Amy, on Friday.

I'm back to working at the tennis club on Wednesdays.

The broken leg is really healing! I'm seeing good results from my hard work at PT.

And I started baking bread again. Funny thing is that I started baking bread the first time last year TODAY. It was in my Facebook memories. Lol. But I stopped when I broke my leg. Today, I started back up, and I can't wait to eat this loaf with dinner!

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas