The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
We're now really into August! Summer is just flitting on by, isn't it?
This week was a week wholly without camp, so I keep us busy around here in other ways. Basically, I bribed the children with money to help me clean out the basement. This was going to be a “spring cleaning” chore, but then I broke my leg and I wasn't able to tackle it. Now was the time! We worked on it Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday mornings and got it all done. Yay! I just have one more morning of vacuuming and mopping down there, and the project will be complete.
I'm so happy to have this done! I'm donating EIGHT boxes of old books my parents dumped on me when they moved to South Carolina (I still love them), several bags of old clothes, FOUR boxes of old toys, and two dollhouses. Everything gets picked up on Thursday. Plus, I have thrown out over TEN bags of trash, and I have some bigger items for bulk trash pickup and a mountain of recycling. All of it will be gone by next Tuesday.
This week we also picked up physical therapy again as my therapist was back from his vacation. My kids came with me to my appointments and got to see what mommy does.
We had a rainy afternoon one day and stayed home to clean out the pantry as well. Yeah, I really DID put the kids to work, and the house feels lighter and happier now.
All week long I continued to write and work on my writing business. I tried to keep up with my daily word counts and somedays I did a better job than others. I was physically exhausted from all the cleaning, so I had a lot of trouble concentrating, and one day I had a headache so I didn't do much then. What can you do? Not much when your body rebels against you!
I also decided that there were some things in my life that had to go. I did two full years of One Second Everyday, and I just didn't have enough video to put together for July, so I let it go. I hope to take off August and get back to it in September. Sometimes I just need a break. I also am continuing to take time off from Facebook. I thought about going back, but instead, I made some changes to the ways I post there, and I've been keeping off of it except to update my FB Page.
What else happened this week?
Found some fun books in the basement! I kept THE GIRL WITH THE SILVER EYES but donated that crochet book because YIKES.
This dead ash tree is on its way out. We're getting quotes to have it removed. It'll cost more than a new Apple computer. (Cries.)
Lots of deer in the yard this week! Pretty much every day.
Got some more knitting done. I'm onto Part 4 of this shawl! I sit and knit on it most days now while listening to podcasts and my audiobooks.
Cleaning out the pantry and then the various parts of the basement. I divided up the basement so we tackled a new section each day.
This basil smelled amazing.
And happy birthday to Harry Potter! He turned 39 this past week on the July 31st.
Have a great week everyone!