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Sunday Update – July 28, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I was all ready to call it a night and shut down when I remembered the Sunday Update! So let's make this quick since I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Monday and Tuesday this week were our last days of camp. On Monday, I went in to see the “play” my younger kid's class put together to end camp. Then on Tuesday, they both had their last day of morning camp and then summer music camp in the afternoon. Summer music camp involved practicing for the summer musical, Mary Poppins, so there was a lot involved with that this summer including buying costumes, doing makeup, and lots of dress rehearsals.

Wednesday and Thursday, we did the pool from noon to 4pm and then the kids got ready for their two performances on both nights. I went both nights to see them perform and they all did a great job! I'm really proud! My husband was able to make it for the second night on Thursday.

Then Friday, they had their wrap-up celebration at school for summer music from 9-11am. I picked them up, we went grocery shopping, and then we returned home to await our new dryer delivery and installation. While waiting, I cleaned out all three freezers in our house of old and expired food. We ended the evening with some more pool time.

Both Saturday and Sunday were spent, you guessed it, at the pool. We went out to dinner last night because no one wanted to cook. Can't really blame us!

I'm making great progress on Flyght Book 4. I'm happy with my writing so far, and I think I'm doing well with the series as a whole. Yay!

What else happened this week?

I made salsa this week. It's so darned good!

I also went for two walks this week and enjoyed the scenery in my park.

Crime scene or cooked beets? You decide.

Wrote about these two great books on my latest Book Chat.

Mary Poppins talks to Jane and Michael Banks. Neither of my children were main cast members. They were in the ensemble.

Kind of a ghost town at the pool yesterday.

Oh hey, our ancient sink faucet decided to die right before we're planning on gutting this bathroom. Of course. $30 sink faucet later and it should last until the bathroom's demise.

And finally knitting. I love my knitting but it makes me super sleepy. Yawn!

Have a great week everyone!

S. J. Pajonas