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Sunday Update – July 21, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What a long week! My husband was gone for most of it so I was on my own with the kids. I'm grateful that they're older now and easier to care for, but still, it's hard doing EVERYTHING when I'm used to giving some jobs to my husband.

He left on Sunday morning, so we were at the pool all day on Sunday.

Monday, I went for a walk in the park! It was so nice out. I couldn't resist. I managed to do almost 1.5 miles and not feel like I was in pain. Yay! I got work done the rest of that day and then we went to the pool.

Tuesday was a busy day. I had physical therapy in the morning at 9, then I came home for a quick shower and something to eat, and then I went to my orthopedist doctor at 11 for a checkup on my leg. I had to wait over an hour to see my doctor, but once I did, the appointment went fast. Everything is going well with healing my broken leg! My bone is growing a callous, which is normal, and the x-ray is filling in. It looks like all my breaks are healing well! My doctor even allowed me to cut back to physical therapy twice per week. Progress!

Wednesday was a stormy day in the afternoon but beautiful in the morning, so I went out for another walk! It felt great to get out even though it was hot as blazes. In the afternoon, my youngest child and I made zucchini muffins, both vanilla and double chocolate. Also, my FIRST FLYGHT paperbacks came!

Thursday was another stormy day. I went to PT in the morning, and in the afternoon, we stayed home to rest. We watched plenty of Supergirl to make up for no pool. My husband finally arrived home this evening, though it was pretty late.

Friday, it was HOT HOT HOT. I stayed home in the morning and my cousin, Kate, came to visit. We caught up on all the family gossip and chatted for a few hours. Then I ran errands, picked my kids up, and we all went to the pool for a few hours to cool off in the water.

Saturday was another HOT one with temps in the high 90s and low 100s for the heat index. I took the young one to the pool and the older one stayed home with my husband. It wasn't too bad at the pool in the shade. And once I was hot and sweaty, I went into the pool and cooled off. Ah! I love summer.

Today, we woke up and found out the clothes dryer is busted. Ugh. It's always something. So my husband did two loads of laundry before we left and he took them to the laundromat once we were home to dry them. We ordered a new dryer. It'll be here on Friday.

But today was my youngest's 9th birthday party at the pool! We rented the gazebo for the day and it was an excellent idea. It was shady in there with a breeze. We had snacks and watermelon for the kids. Then they went in the pool for a few hours. Then we had pizza and cake and the party was over! Easy peasy. And everyone helped us out which was so nice. We have the best community here. I love living here. Now I'm catching up on sumo and winding down for the night. Back to business tomorrow!

What else happened this week?

Let's start with my leg. Here you can see the break in my leg filling in, and a callous forming there on the left.

Pool views, with Kindle. Ahhhhh, summer.

Walks in the park! With plenty of rests on the benches, and a cicada shell!

Waiting at the doctor with my new Harry Potter mug.

My FIRST FLYGHT paperbacks arrived! These are going out to some Bookstagrammers. Do you participate in the #bookstagram Instagram hashtag? Join up the Bookstagram Blitz for FIRST FLYGHT via Lola's Blog Tours!

Look! I crossed the 10k mark on my new book! Yay!!

I got a new Kindle Paperwhite! My old one was 4 years old and only 2GB. I was constantly struggling with it because of my large library. My new one is 32GB, has Bluetooth for wireless listening of audiobooks, and is waterproof. It's so nice! I love how responsive it is. I got it on Prime Day, of course, for a good deal.

And I wore my new bathing suit to the pool. I love it!

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas