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July 2019 Goals

July is next week! And I'll be on vacation, so let's get to these goals early. If you enjoy my monthly videos, please check back on July 1. I'll update the blog post then with the video

What Happened With June's Goals?

Open SFR Station for business. Done! And so far so good. Posts are going up on the site and I'm on top of things for now. I hope my enthusiasm doesn't wane. I have like 180 books to post on the site. Lol.

Keep writing and finish Flyght 3. I expect to be done with this this weekend! I have two chapters to write and that's it. I was hoping to be done before we left on vacation, but it looks like my writing will extend into the first two days. That's okay. I'll have it done!

Keep up outpatient physical therapy. All is going well with this! I'm going 3 times per week and then also doing exercises on my own, like swimming and walking.

Start treadmill walking again. I didn't do this because I need more time. I did start walking in the park though! And I started swimming at the pool!

Reading and knitting. Yay! I am knitting and listening to my audiobook. I finished some kindle books and I need to start something new.

Try to just chill. I did my best to chill but I had plenty to do. Maybe I can chill on vacation!

A Look Back At June

Check this out on July 1!

Business Goals For July

Start writing Flyght 4. I'm hoping that now that I'm back in the swing of things I can really just slip into the next book in the series. I have an idea of what I want to do! So I'm ready to get going! I'll start after vacation is over.

Write a blurb for Books 2 and 3 of the Flyght Series. Get these done because I want to put them on pre-order.

Set up pre-orders for FIRST FLYGHT, Books 2, and 3 everywhere. I think I can set up Books 1 and 2 now (Amazon has a 90-day window for pre-orders), but I may just wait until the end of July.

Set up the FIRST FLYGHT paperback on Ingram Spark. I hear I can set this up early and order author copies. If so, I want to send out some paperback ARCs of this book.

Keep up with SFR Station. There are A LOT of books to post on SFR Station and my goal is still 10 per week. Gotta keep up with it.

Get Lola everything she needs for our September event. I'm working again with Lola of Lola's Blog Tours in September for an Instagram Bookblitz. I can't wait! It's going to be a lot of fun. I just need to make sure I get everything done for it now since August is bound to be busy.

Personal Goals For July

Keep up outpatient physical therapy. I'm making my plans for this! And I'm making progress!

Keep up with the pool and walking. I like the fact that swimming and walking can now be added to my exercises. I hope to keep that up through the end of summer.

Reading and knitting. As usual.

Have a great July everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas