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June 2019 Goals

I'm posting this a day early since the weekly emails go out on Friday! May was such a busy month! We did a lot and I feel like I did decent with my goals. So, let's take a look…

What Happened With May's Goals?

Continue working on the SFR Station website. Done! All the content updates are done. The backend is all moving along well. I've started posting old, legacy content to the FB Page and Twitter accounts again via an awesome plugin I got that hooks up to Buffer. I have one last piece to the website to put together, the email subscription plugin, and then the site is done and ready for new content. I have half the implementation done on the email plugin. I hope to finish it over the weekend.

Finish the paperbacks for the Nogiku Series. Done! They are all up and for sale!

Keep up with my Facebook Page. This is going great! I'm utilizing my Instagram account to put more content there and using Stories too.

Keep writing Flyght 3. I'm almost at the mid-point of this book which I hope to write today. Making good, not great, progress. But I had a big revelation for the series yesterday! And that felt great.

Plan and execute a Harry Potter birthday party for my oldest. Done! She had a great time and the party was a huge success.

Start outpatient physical therapy. I'm in PT and it's going well. It's not as aggressive as I thought it was going to be, but it is just as painful. It's these little moments that throw me for a loop when I'm trying to do something I've always done, and damn. I can't do it. Sigh. I have to remind myself that I'm still healing and I have a long way to go.

Reading and knitting. Both of these are happening! I'm making progress with both knitting, reading, and audiobooks.

Pick up intermittent fasting again. I have decided to put this off to September when the kids go back to school. This is too much to add back into my life right now. I do miss it a whole lot, but I need patience. It needs to wait.

A Look Back At May

Business Goals For June

Open SFR Station for business. This month I have to make the announcement that SFR Station is open for submissions. Take those submissions and come up with a posting schedule. The emails to subscribers will go out Saturday mornings, so I would like to have postings Mon-Fri on the site.

Keep writing and finish Flyght 3. I want to finish this book before I leave for Charleston at the end of June. This way I can take a week off to just stare into space and daydream. Then I can come back in July and start writing Book 4.

Personal Goals For June

Keep up outpatient physical therapy. I am going 2-3 times per week and then also doing exercises on my own. It's a lot but it needs to be done.

Start treadmill walking again. Even if it's only 10 minutes twice a week, I need to get this back in my life. I wanted to be walking in the park again by June. That's obviously not happening, and I'm bummed about that. My new goal is September. I can accomplish that if I get my walking legs back before then.

Reading and knitting. Continue on with this! Pool season is upon us and I can get a lot done there if I get my words in.

Try to just chill. June is always a busy month. Next week is actually going to be brutal. We have plans EVERY DAMNED DAY. So I really need to take the moments I can to sit or relax!

Have a great June everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas