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Sunday Update – May 19, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

It's been a quick two weeks! And lots has happened, both good and bad. So, let's get right to it!

I thought I was going to get a lot more writing done during my time off, but that wasn't the case. I did get some done, and I got past 20,000 words on my work-in-progress. I'm happy with that. I'm also happy that I got all the content updates done on SFR Station! Yay! Now I have a short list of tasks to do to finish up that site. It's almost done.

The bad news in my house was sickness. The broken leg continues to heal, and I've started physical therapy, so there's no new news on that front. But last Sunday, on Mother's Day, my husband woke up not feeling well. He managed to pull through the day, but he was running a fever by the end.

Then on Wednesday, I was feeling really low. Just really depressed and awful. I should have known then that I was going to feel sick the next day. It's this really weird thing! I always feel really depressed the day before an illness! If only I had identified it right away. But I woke up that evening around 1am and my nose was stuffy. I felt okay during the early part of the day then by the evening, I was on my way to a full-blown sinus infection. I thought I had avoided it this year, but my health has taken a dive since the broken leg, so I'm not really surprised.

My husband looked at me and said, “The universe has not been kind to you lately.” No, indeed.

I went to Urgent Care on Friday morning first thing, got antibiotics, and started taking them right away. After only two days, I started feeling better, and now, Sunday, I was able to host my daughter's Harry Potter themed birthday party! We had a great day! I'm exhausted now, but the kids had a fabulous time. Yay!

Now back to the daily grind. We have a few more weeks of school and then off for the summer!

What else happened while I was gone from the blog?

The Sunday before Mother's Day, I went to a sign making event with my oldest daughter's Girl Scout troop. We had a lot of fun, and it was one of my first major trips out with the broken leg.

There were some nice days and I spent them outside!

I went to pottery to get some painting done, and I picked up some of my bowls too. They turned out great!

There were donuts, lots of them! My husband made donuts on Mother's Day, and then we decorated donuts the next day with my youngest daughter's Girl Scout troop.

I got the good chocolate for Mother's Day. Mmmm.

We got some weird fortunes in our fortune cookies.

Made significant progress on my knitting. I hate when a ball of yarn turns to chaos.

I managed to leave the house to go to Panera for some work time!

And here are some photos from our Harry Potter party day! Lots of fun crafts, brooms, cake, and Deathly Hallows cookies, too.

Hope you enjoyed all those photos! Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas