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Goodness, it's the release day for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE FINDS HER CALLING! I'm so glad we made it here without a hitch. Though I'm laid up at home with a broken leg and fractured foot, I hope to celebrate this release day somehow. Maybe some ice cream? Yeah. That sounds doable.

I really hope you love this next installment in the Miso Cozy Mysteries series! I enjoyed writing it and getting to know my characters even more under new and different circumstances. There are always more adventures to come in Chikata!

Tragedy strikes Chikata again!

When Noriko Kubo, a local small business coach, is found dead in her back garden, Mei feels the pull of a good mystery and the desire to solve another case, especially at the behest of her best friend. With several suspects that need to be questioned or followed, she has all the skills to help out and the imagination to piece together the clues.

But time is not on her side and neither is good luck. Her baby is crying for hours every night, her husband’s restaurant is so popular he’s never around, and her new house is in jeopardy of never being built. Mei doesn’t have the energy to help with a murder investigation… or does she?

Soon, everyone is depending on her for everything, and Mei feels lost and unsure of her own future. She loves her family and her tea shop, but she’s never really found her calling unless she’s helping to solve a murder case. That’s not a legitimate career for her, though, is it? Can Mei juggle her busy life, secure her place in society, and still help find Noriko’s killer?

With her head in the clouds and a taste for solving crime, you don’t want to miss Mei in The Daydreamer Detective Finds Her Calling, the intensely delicious fifth course to the Miso Cozy series of cozy mystery novels.

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I hope you enjoy this installment of the Miso Cozy Mysteries Series! Already have ideas for the next book in the series, so Mei has a lot to do in the coming years! If you have a moment, please leave a review of THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE FINDS HER CALLING wherever you purchased it. Thank you!

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S. J. Pajonas