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It’s Cover Reveal Day! Introducing The New Miso Cozy Covers!

So, today's the day! I'm pleased to show off the new covers for the Miso Cozy Mysteries Series! They really fit my vision for the length of the series and where I'll keep going with it. I hope to write a total of 9 novels in this series and another novella, and these covers give me the flexibility to continue that long. I love the Mei character! She came to me with a few different poses and I've been working on some other poses, facial expressions, and clothing. It's a lot of fun!

If you don't see the new covers, please empty your cache. I replaced the old image files on my server and then dumped the WordPress cache, but your browser may still have the old covers.

Take a look!

A new novel!

Yes! Here is the somewhat reveal of THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE FINDS HER CALLING! The pre-order files are winging their way out to the stores right now, and I will have the links ready for you all by Friday. (Fingers crossed on this! Amazon has been VERY annoying lately.) If you want a sneak peek, you can check out THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE FINDS HER CALLING book page on my website to view the blurb.

And that's not all…

Not only has the whole series got new covers, but they have also been newly edited! I went through all the books in the series, removed all the honorific suffixes (-san, -chan, -ko, -kun, etc.) Instead of using the suffixes, people either are called by their name or I use Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Miss which are all more familiar to English speakers. My awesome proofreader, Germaine, and I also found a few tense slips, and I fixed them. My natural writing style is present tense, so I always screw this up a little! Hopefully they should all be good now. It was quite an undertaking, but I know the series is better for it now.

A note about the paperbacks

Guys, I am REALLY REALLY REALLY sad that Createspace is gone. Dealing with KDP Print has been such a nightmare. On Createspace, I could change a lot of things after I had published the book. Title, Author, and Trim Size were always set, but other things I could experiment with. Now? Not so much. I want to change all the books to cream paper. It's easier on the eyes and it's more standard for fiction. This is something I didn't know 5 years ago when I started making paperbacks, but I do know NOW. And I want to fix it.

BUT KDP Print will not let me change paper unless I use a new ISBN. Grrrr. This is going to eat up my available ISBNs, but I know it'll be worth it. But I didn't budget for the extra time of going in and changing all of my files to reflect the new ISBN and bar code.

So, long story short, I am updating the paperbacks, but they probably won't be up there for purchase until next week. I'm working on it, and I'll update the blog when it's all set.

Stay tuned!

So stick around! The pre-order for THE DAYDREAMER DETECTIVE FINDS HER CALLING is coming soon, and so are the paperbacks.

I hope you love the new covers as much as I do!

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S. J. Pajonas