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Sunday Update – January 6, 2019

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Proud of myself for typing 2019 the first time. Lol.

What a busy week! You always think these shorter weeks will be a piece of cake, but in reality, they're harder and seem to last FOREVER.

Monday was New Year's Eve and we had no plans, which is just the way I like it. The kids had piano lessons, and then we all had dinner together. My husband and I stayed up late but not till midnight. I was woken my fireworks at midnight but went right back to sleep.

Tuesday was New Year's Day. I went out for a long walk in the park and then had leftovers for lunch. Then we prepped for the beginning of school again the next day.

Wednesday it was back to work and school. I got the kids to school, the cleaning ladies came, and I got grocery shopping done. In the late afternoon, I took the kids to tennis and got work done there.

On Thursday, I got a bunch of baking done in the morning before breakfast. I baked up some granola bars and my usual baked oats for oatmeal. I then ate and attempted to go on a walk. But I wasn't very successful. I got all the way to the park and it started raining on me! So annoying. So I turned around and walked home. Then I got on the treadmill instead. By the time I was done on the treadmill, it was sunny again. To say I was annoyed was an understatement.

On Friday, I went for a long walk first thing in the morning, stretched, and had breakfast. Then I met a friend for lunch and got work done the rest of the day.

Yesterday, Saturday, was a chill day at home. I walked on the treadmill and watched TV. Took a nap. Got some work done on my website and pinterest. Then I got some writing done. We watched Star Wars The Force Awakens together too in the evening.

Today, we're also chilling at home, and we're taking down all the Christmas decorations as well.

All throughout the week, I worked slowly buy surely on Daydreamer 5. I'm not getting as much writing done as I want to BUT it's still early days in January, and I'm recovering from the holidays.

The real fact is that I'm tired, like REALLY TIRED. I'm glad I'm off Benadryl but the chamomile tea at bedtime makes me get up to use the bathroom two, sometimes three times. So I'm not sleeping through the night. I sound like a disappointed parent! Lol. I'm also experiencing a lot of hip pain at night. So there are some changes I obviously have to make here. I'm switching to chamomile gel cap supplements with only a small amount of pre-bedtime tea, and I hope that will help. I just bought a new pillow for between my legs while I sleep to help with hip pain. And I'm considering other things like CBD oil.

What else happened this week?

The park is very dark and cold this time of year.

It's been a week of Japanese food, hot pot and oden.

My youngest helped me open pistachios for my granola bars and then I baked. I like baked oats for oatmeal so I try to make a batch a few times per year.

And I can always get work done at the tennis club!

I'm not sure what I'll be posting on the blog this week, but I'll be back here soon. Have a great week!

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S. J. Pajonas