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Book Chat #44 – Becky Chambers and Wendie Nordgren

Last Book Chat of 2018! I'm still listening to one audiobook but there's been little time for audiobooks between Christmas prep, podcasts, and writing. So let's talk about the last two ebooks I read! I'll update about my Audiobook challenge between Christmas and New Years.

Also, posting on the blog will be light until 2019. I'm writing and I'm tapped out for original content here.


Wow. People said that this was as good or better than A LONG WAY TO A SMALL ANGRY PLANET and I agree with them. It was different, but I can't say that it was better because I loved it just as much as A LONG WAY. Chambers handled the question of AI sentience and rights well in this novel. And it was great to learn more about the Aandrisks and their society. Once I got into the story and saw where it was going, I couldn't put this down. I will definitely be getting the next one in the series.

DEATH'S PROVIDENCE by Wendie Nordgren

Originally, I thought I had been beta reading this book, but it turns out that I was not! A silly mistake on my part. I don't read much paranormal romance, and I think that should change. I enjoyed this novella. It was fast-paced and fun, and it left me with a lot of questions about this world Nordgren built.

So that's it for 2018! I've been pinning all of my Book Chat books on Pinterest and will also be pinning my To Be Read lists as well, if you're interested in checking them out.

S. J. Pajonas