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Sunday Update – December 2, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What a long week, y'all! I swear that all my weeks lately have been chock full of activities.

We started out Monday with little fanfare. I went for a walk in the park in the morning and worked on the puzzle for most of the day. Unfortunately, I spent too much time hunched over at the table, instead of sitting upright, and then I was aching and in pain for most of the evening. I learned a good lesson that day. Always sit up straight or reclined.

Tuesday, I was still in some pain but it wasn't too bad. Still, I took it easy on the couch most of the day. I got some reading done and lots of editing of Flyght 2.

Wednesday was my first really busy day. I went for a walk in the morning and then had chiropractor and acupuncture which helped with some of the pain I was feeling. I finished up the puzzle and treated myself to ramen for lunch. Then the girls had tennis in the evening and I finished up my edits of Flyght 2! Yay!

Thursday was a busy day as well. I spent the morning working on putting both FIRST FLYGHT and Flyght 2 into Vellum, formatting, and then sending it off to my proofreader. Then I went to pottery class. At pottery, I glazed 4 bowls, trimmed 2 more, and then threw one more bowl on the wheel. I finished up at 12PM so I could run an errand, come home, shower, eat, and head to the school to volunteer for an hour at the Secret Shoppe. The Secret Shoppe is where the kids come in and “buy” little presents for their family and friends. It's sponsored by our school-community association. It's a lot of fun for the kids! Then I came home and got FIRST FLYGHT up to the retailers.

Thursday was also my husband's 45th birthday! We went out to dinner early as a family and then my oldest child had a Girl Scouts meeting in the evening.

Friday, I went for a walk in the morning and then ran errands. I got the oil changed on my car, dropped off a package at Staples, and then grocery shopped at Whole Foods. In the early evening, I took the girls to their last pottery class where they had a small end-of-class party and I got to see them do their own thing in class, glazing and throwing something on the wheel.

Saturday, I spent most of the day working on my website. I took my kids into our town center in the afternoon to see the town fair and Christmas tree then check out the grand re-opening of our library. Our library had been under renovation for 18 months! I missed it. I'm glad it's back now. In the evening, we went out for dinner for my husband's birthday (yes, again) and got crab buckets. They were delicious!

Today, Sunday, we have been lying low at home. Unfortunately, I had planned on sleeping in, but for some reason, the contractors working on the house next door showed at 6:45am! They're not even supposed to be working on Sunday! There's a town ordinance against it. My husband opened the window and yelled at them, then the next door neighbors on the other side did too. I like the new owners of this house, but they have to get their contractors under control. It's madness to think it's okay to come at dawn on a Sunday and do LOUD work. I was pissed. It was my one real day to sleep in. I have spent the rest of the day working on my website, walking, and reading.

What else happened this week?

Here we see the progression of the puzzle! It was hard but rewarding and fun to do.

When I was out on my walk in the park, I picked up a Joker playing card. How random!

I love these. If you ever need to clear out your sinuses, this is what you need.

Some pots I've been working on…

The new library looks great and it's nice to see lots of YA books prominently displayed in the Teen Room.

Birthday dinners for my husband!

And all the kids shopping for gifts at the Secret Shoppe!

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas