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Come Join My Reader Group On Facebook!

You know what, originally, I wasn't going to start a reader group on Facebook. I figured, why give Facebook more control over my career? It's not a place I own, like I do with this blog. I had a reader group on Facebook two years ago and it never went anywhere. I was feeling like an crotchety lady yelling at young people to get off my lawn.

But then I thought about how much time we all spend on Facebook, which is a lot collectively, even if a few people I know aren't on it. There are enough of us that are and make up for the rest who do not! Lol. And if I'm careful, I can always keep people coming back to my website for the truly important information.

So, I decided to start a FB group after doing a poll there this past week. 90% of the respondents voted for the group! How could I resist?

Just to keep things real, I have decided that choice posts I put in the group will come here to the blog, but the Facebook group will have more of me geeking out over my writing. It's for the real fans of my work. I'm posting snippets and photos and some thoughts over there on a daily basis. I expect to use it as often as I can.

I realized recently that I don't really talk about my work or my writing on my private FB profile, nor on my FB Page, and only occasionally here. I'm afraid of boring my friends and family with it, and it's clear that my FB Page is more for cool Japanese stories or announcements of what I'm up to, rather than real-talk about writing. I thought the FB reader group could fill in that gap in my life.

If you're interested in joining the group, please feel free to come on by and request access! I ask two very simple admin questions to keep out the riffraff, but I'm sure you can answer them since you've been here a while.

Join the S. J. Pajonas Facebook Reader Group!

PS) The FB group cover photo (pictured above) has the phrase “wakuwaku” written on it which is Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound of excitement, usually associated with joy or an expectation that something good is going to happen. I hope to bring some excitement to the reader group for those that enjoy my work.

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S. J. Pajonas