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Sunday Update – November 18, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Late post tonight because we just got back from roller skating with the Girl Scouts!

It was a hit-the-ground-running week around here. We got back from our vacation and went straight into Monday. I worked through the last grammar check and proofreading of Flyght Book 1 all week. Now that's done! Just needs to go off to my final proofreader. We also had our last CSA share this week. I can't believe all the good veggies are over for the season! So sad.

Wednesday, we had our most stressful day. I cut my whole day short for chiropractor and acupuncture. Then got the kids early from school to take them to the doctor for their yearly checkup. They did great! I can't believe my oldest kid is already 5'5″! Holy smokes! How did she get so big? Then we got stuck in traffic on our way to tennis and missed the first fifteen minutes. Sigh. We ordered fish tacos and quesadillas afterward, and usually, that goes just fine. But the waitress misheard my order and we got the wrong food! Ugh! We had to get back in the car and go back and exchange it. I love this restaurant, though, and they know me, so even though I was inconvenienced, I'm not mad or anything. Shit happens.

Thursday was great until it snowed! I had pottery and a dentist appointment in the morning and then I went to get groceries. By the time I was out of the store, the snow was falling lightly. By the time the kids got out of school, it was coming down and it was wet and heavy. I got us home and we hunkered down. That night, my husband left Manhattan at 5:30PM and didn't make it home until after 9PM! We live only about 18 miles from the city! Crazy. I'm just glad he made it home safely.

On Friday, we thought the kids had a delayed opening for school, but then they ended up canceling it altogether. I shoveled snow and it was so heavy! Ugh. I hate snow (you all know that). My back is a little sore but not too bad. I'm in better shape than I used to be. I worked on my website pretty much all day.

Yesterday, I made playdoh for my youngest kid and I spent the day working more on my website. I think most of the main updates are done!

Today, I took some time off to just sit and read. Then I got on the treadmill and walked and started my edits on Flyght Book 2. I had an early dinner and took both my girls to the roller rink for some roller skating and roller blading with the Girl Scouts. They had fun and got the hang of it by the end. Now, I'm having a Singapore Sling and enjoying some sumo!

What else happened this week?

Here's my new Starbucks You Are Here mug! I have lots of these now but I'm happy to get them from the places I've been. They're my favorite mugs.

The house next to us got it's second floor this week. Man, there's been a lot of construction noise lately.

Last trip around the maze during CSA pickup!

This is my last bowl of this pottery class! Only two more classes left.

Building a snowman.

Made playdoh for the youngest. I hate the way it smells so I add lavender essential oils!

I got this knitting guide ring and I like it. I just need to get used to using it, but it will give my fingers a break from holding the yarn.

And we finished off the week with roller skating! But not me because I didn't want to hurt myself. Lol. Maybe next time.

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas