October was one of my better months!
What Happened With Octobers's Goals?
Continue writing Flyght Book 2. I FINISHED THIS!! So excited to be done and way before the end of the month. I've had a few days off and it's been nice to relax. This book is out with my first readers now.
Continue website maintenance. I did very little website maintenance because I went 100% on the writing of Flyght 2.
Set up evergreen campaigns through November. My goal was to set up a new evergreen campaign every Monday. I kept this going! I think I only missed one Monday which was this past Monday.
Set up all the Pinterest images for the Miso Cozy Mysteries Series and the Hikoboshi Series. I did not do this, unfortunately. I was writing a ton. I'll move this to November.
Keep up my Pinterest campaign.I remembered to jump onto Pinterest here and there to pin stuff but I wasn't as active as I wanted to be.
Continue to keep away from sweets and keep practicing intermittent fasting. I kept the intermittent fasting going. Sweets? Well, I love them, so I'm trying to be good and not overindulge.
Keep knitting! I'm still knitting when I can. I didn't knit at all last week, or read for that matter. But now I have some time.
More of the same: walking, yoga, reading. Walking, yes. Yoga, only did one session this whole month. Reading, I read something early in the month and haven't read anything since.
A Look Back At October
Business Goals For November
Edit both Flyght Books 1 and 2. I'm not doing NaNoWriMo because I'll be editing instead. I want these books to be at 98% by the end of the month. Ready to go off to my proofreader.
Setup pre-orders on the non-Amazon vendors for Flyght 1 and 2. I have the cover for Book 1. Books 2 and 3 covers are coming soon. Once Books 1 and 2 are done with edits, I'll put them up for pre-order. Currently I'm looking at September 6th, 2019 for Book 1 and October 4th, 2018 for Book 2. I plan to send out ARCs to readers at the beginning of summer.
Continue website maintenance. Since I'm not writing, I'll have more time for website maintenance. I need to make it through a few more months of posts to clean up.
Set up evergreen campaigns through December. Same as last month. Set up a campaign for every Monday.
Set up all the Pinterest images for the Miso Cozy Mysteries Series and the Hikoboshi Series. I feel I can do this this month because I'll just be editing.
Personal Goals For November
Go on vacation and really go on vacation. Meaning don't bring work with me. Yeah. We're going away for a few days next week and I'd like to really enjoy my time with my family.
Intermittent fasting, knitting, walking, yoga, reading, and pottery. All of the usual stuff!
Have a great November everybody!