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Sunday Update – October 21, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another week that raced by with tons of stuff going on!

All week I did my best to walk or exercise or work in the mornings. I have this book I'm writing and I want to finish it on time!

On Monday, I took the kids to get the oldest child her new glasses. Man, buying new glasses nowadays is so easy! They just take a picture of your face while you wear some funky looking glasses and the iPad measures everything! Amazing. We picked out glasses and were done with the whole affair in 30 minutes.

On Tuesday, we went to get our CSA vegetable share and we made it home in one piece. Much better than our scare last week! My husband left for a work trip and we had the place all to ourselves. Me and the girls watched The Flash together during dinner.

On Wednesday, we had our usual trip to tennis lessons for the kids, and I decided that I really just want to watch Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anime, and I believe we used to have a bunch of episodes on VHS (VHS! I'm so old!). I didn't have them on DVD, so I bought them on Amazon Video.

On Thursday, I had pottery in the morning. I showed up and I had FIVE bowls to trim and FOUR bowls to glaze! So that's all I did while I was there. Didn't make anything new. But now I'm excited to show up next week and see what my glazed pots look like! After I was done there I went grocery shopping.

On Friday, I dealt with some online business and then met my friend, Amy, for lunch and chatting. I love her. She always has the right things to say.

On Saturday, I spent the morning supervising my oldest child as she and her friends painted a store window in town for Halloween. This is a Middle School ritual around here and supposedly they've been doing it for over 25 years. In the afternoon, I took a nap and then got to work with writing.

Today, I'm dealing with some family business, updating the blog, setting up posts for the week, backing up, switching out ad campaigns, setting up evergreen social media campaigns, switching out my youngest child's clothes, AND baking bread. Phew! Lots to do!

What else happened this week?

Love the Cowboy Bebop opening credits!

Here are all five pots that I had to trim up this week. If you don't know what trimming is, once a piece of pottery is sculpted on the wheel, you take it off to dry out for a week or so. At this point, you put it back on the wheel upside down and use tools to “trim” off the excess clay and make a nice bottom out of it. You can then turn it top side up and trim a little out of the inside and fix any other problems. Then the pots dry out some more before they're fired the first time in the kiln BEFORE glazing.

I processed all our peppers this week. I cut them up like this, flash boil them for 1 minute, let them cool, then freeze them.

The salad turnips were great this week!

Here are the girls looking at glasses.

The park was awfully frosty on Thursday morning.

I made some awesome apple crisp last Sunday!

Here's the window my kid and her friends painted. It turned out nice!

And finally, I made excellent progress this week on this book AND I'm even further along than this now.

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas