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Sunday Update – October 14, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I must be getting older because I feel like the weeks are just slipping by. Weekends are nothing but an eye blink. Where does the time go? I'm not sure. I guess when you're always busy, it just cruises right on by.

Monday, my kids had a half day for Columbus Day. We didn't do much in the afternoon. I think we watched some Flash and I did some writing. That was about it.

Tuesday should've just been any normal Tuesday but it wasn't. We went to go pick up our weekly CSA veggie share and almost got killed on the way home. I was driving along minding my own business, when a woman veered into my lane after turning a corner and came at me head-on. I slammed on the horn and swerved out of the way, nearly missing her. She just stared at me with a slack face and drove off. I'm pretty sure she was drunk. Only someone totally impaired could've done what she did. My heart was pounding and the kids cried in the backseat because it was seriously scary. Almost met my maker that day.

On Wednesday, thankful to be alive, I handled a bunch of stuff. The cleaning ladies came, groceries were delivered, and I went to the chiropractor and acupuncturist. I was feeling pretty crappy because, on top of the death scare, I feared I was coming down with a sinus infection. My acupuncturist gave me extra immune points and worked on the digestion meridians. I felt better by the time I left and my sinus issues were cleared up by Friday!

On Thursday, it was more pottery! I'm so enjoying pottery. It's a lot of fun and I'm learning a lot. The women in the class are pretty great too. I told the instructor that I will always be coming to class unless I'm sick or my kids are sick. I wanted him to know that I'm not going to quit, as it seems that many people do quit pottery after a short time when they realize it's not easy. In the evening, my youngest had a Girl Scout thing to go to and it was raining. But she went and it was fun for her.

On Friday, I went grocery shopping and worked at home during the school day. Then the kids had their pottery and my oldest had a “Social” to go to at school. It was a long day but my husband worked from home and helped out a lot.

Yesterday, we drove out to see family for my nephews' birthdays. It was great to be there. To eat pizza, enjoy some drinks, and hang out.

Today, I'm getting work done! Blog posts, ads, making apple crisp, and writing!

There's been a lot of writing going on here. I'm at around 38,000 of a 60,000 word book, so that's coming along. I'm right on schedule too, according to Scrivener. My current plan is to finish writing this book, edit Book 1 and then this Book 2 in November so they're done. Then start writing a Miso Cozy Mysteries book so I have something to publish in early 2019. Because I think I'm going to write at least 6 books in this new Flyght Series of mine before I publish anything. Yep. I want the series at least 2/3rds finished before I publish anything. I think that'll be best for readers and best for my sanity too. I get a lot of time to just live in this world without having to listen to feedback. I think it's gonna be pretty great. :)

What else happened this week?

She still loves running the maze at the CSA location pickup.

My nephews loved their birthday presents. Lots of trains and recycling trucks.

I had a few nice days of weather this week! The park looked pretty this day.

New pots! I wonder how many wonky pots I'll have by the end of this class. Lol.

More writing on my Alphasmart Neo.

I'm trying out something new to me, sherry. I quite like it!

And I love it when my kitchen looks nice and clean. Love!

Hope you all have an awesome week!

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S. J. Pajonas