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Sunday Update – October 7, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I feel like this was a long week though, of course, it wasn't any more or less stressful than the week before. My husband did catch a cold, though, and it screwed up his sleep, and mine too. I'm a really light sleeper. Almost anything can wake me up. Whereas when he sleeps, he sleeps like the dead. So for him to get sick means we both suffer no sleep. Lol. Sucks. I had to go back to bed today after only sleeping 4 hours last night. It cut into my productivity time today.

In other random news, this weekend marks my 15 year anniversary of blogging! I started my very first blog 15 years ago around Oct 6/7th. Kinda crazy to think I've been doing this for so long.

As for the week, it went by rather fast. Monday, we did my oldest daughter's annual eye exam. Tuesday was School Picture Day for the youngest. Wednesday was School Picture Day for the oldest.

On Wednesday, I went over my friend Amy's house to play with some of the puppies she's been fostering for the local animal shelter. NINE PUPPIES! They were cute and stinky and adorable. I enjoyed my time with them, but I was sure I don't want a puppy after that. Lol.

Thursday, I had pottery class in the morning, and I'm still really enjoying it. I think it's going to be a lasting thing for me! Then, I went to Back to School Night for the middle school. By the end of the night, I was exhausted.

Friday, I went for a walk in the morning, went grocery shopping, and then took the kids for their pottery class in the afternoon while I made bread and soup for dinner.

We've been at home all weekend because the weather here has been crappy and my husband has been sick. I'm getting writing done, and today I plan to write all my blog posts for the week.

What else happened this week?

First let's do a little knitting update. This is Corners, Edges, Stripes by Strickmich. I had a doozy of a time starting this one. I didn't like the way it looked as I carried the yarn up the side for each color change. I casted it on FIVE TIMES before I was happy with it, and still the first color change kept coming out messy, so I ditched it. I plan to mirror this edit on the other end. Anyway, once it got going, it was all good, and I've been happy with it since.

Here are some more pots I threw this week. I forgot to put my name in that top one but did it after I took the photo.

The leaves are changing and everything is getting golden.


Hanging out with the other parents at Back to School night.

And just a photo to let you know that I'm still writing. I'm on a 1500-word-per-day diet and I get Sundays off. If I keep it up, I'll be done with this book by the end of October! And I figure that shouldn't be too hard now because the book is consuming all my thoughts. I want to write it, which is always a great sign.

Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas