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Sunday Update – September 23, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another week gone by with lots of stuff done!

Monday, the kids were back at school and I was back in my routine. Walking in the mornings, working, running errands, or taking time to knit or read. This day, I did some writing and took it easy since Mondays are usually hard to get back into the routine.

Tuesday, I did yoga, which is my new Tuesday routine. Then I had to do my last shift of set-up at the CSA vegetable share. It was easy and mostly done before I even showed up because the truck was early.

Wednesday was my 14th wedding anniversary! The kids were home because it was a holiday (Yom Kippur) so I got them to help clean up the house, do homework, and then we went to Whole Foods to get regular groceries and special seafood for the evening. I got $50 worth of King Crab legs! Plus, caviar and crackers and some other stuff. I took the kids to tennis and then I had a decadent dinner with my husband. Prosecco and everything!

Thursday, it was back to school and routine. I walked in the morning and then went to my first pottery class! So exciting! I made two very basic small bowls, and I learned a lot. When I was done, I came home and got cleaned up, then worked on my writing in the afternoon.

Friday was another busy day. Walking in the morning, haircut, then Panera for some writing, and then lunch with my friend, Amy. Then the kids went to their pottery class in the late afternoon. We all had dinner together after since my husband worked from home!

This weekend has been fairly chill. I just finished my knitting project!! So I plan to post about that on Tuesday. I've been working on my outline for the whole series I'm writing, coming up with ideas per book for all 9 books in the series. I've also sat down and looked at what I've written already to figure out what I'm missing to move forward. I have some ideas but I need to make them happen this week.

Also, now that my youngest can walk herself home from school every day, I don't need to cut my afternoon activities short in order to get out the door and pick her up. This means I'm getting more done or napping or relaxing, which are all nice things around here.

What else happened this week?

Yes, I baked more bread. There's bread in the oven, actually, as I type this! Can't get enough.

I got work done while The Men in Blazers was on, of course.

Anniversary dinner! Totally decadent and awesome. We ate well, and I feel like I did a good job of treating us for the special day.

Here are the two little pots I made. They're not very big and I have no idea what they'll look like once they're done. We shall see!

I enjoyed a nice Gin Sidecar on Friday night.

And here we are, all ready to go out to a fancy dinner with the kids on Saturday evening. We had a great time and ate a lot of food! So good. We might still be full!

Hope you all have a great week!

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S. J. Pajonas