Yesterday was my 14th wedding anniversary. When I made the commitment to my husband and our life together, I meant it to last forever. And now, we're still a good pair, excellent pair, if I may say so. We both work hard to keep the house and our relationship in harmony.
Writing is a long-term relationship too. I've been in love with writing and stories for as long as I can remember. And I did what most people have to do when they're in love with writing, I put it aside for many years in order to feed myself, pay the bills, and raise a family. I set it aside instead of giving it up for good. There's no way I could ever do that. I firmly believe that the things we love dearly can never be quit. They're only on hiatus until we can come to them again.
Thinking back on my post last week about my 5th anniversary in publishing, and all of your comments back, I'm really glad I talked about it in the open. Many people on the outside never see the struggle or the profit and loss spreadsheets or the ad spend. They only see the smiles, celebrations, and good cheer. I'm glad I said what I said. Once I had published the post, I felt a huge weight lift off me. I came out and said it — I failed the business of publishing but I have not given up on writing.
Because I love writing, but I have never loved publishing. I tolerated it as a way to get my books out to the world, which is an important part of my process. I have to say that I don't feel too bad about giving up on making a publishing business. It is what it is. And even though I've given up on making it profitable, it's still there, a foundation to support my writing into the future. It's a base of knowledge that will serve me well.
I have a lot of artist friends who create art for art's sake. They spend money on canvases, paint, marble for sculpting, wires and lasers and computers for multimedia sculptures. They create the art and sometimes it never leaves home. Sometimes, that art makes it to a local gallery. I've been thinking a lot about these artists the last week and I feel I can learn from them.
For me, my art requires a few things: my computer and a good keyboard, some reference materials, and then editing, a cover, and a blurb. In every essence, it doesn't require much else. I can put these books up for readers without spending anything else. I could even syndicate my stories right here on the blog or on other free platforms. I don't have to make it complicated.
The commitment is still strong. The anniversaries may come and go, and some will be worth celebrating, and some will not. But my writing as an art form, telling the stories I want to tell, will continue. Thanks again for listening.