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Sunday Update – September 9, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Hello friends! I didn't post last Sunday because it was Labor Day weekend here, and I just plain forgot. It's funny how the weekend gets away from you when you're doing other things. We have a three-day weekend this weekend as well because tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah (we're not Jewish but the schools are closed) so I'm sure I'll be “off” all week thinking every day is a different day. Lol.

We got lucky last weekend and it was beautiful weather for the last weekend at the pool. We were able to go Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. Monday, Labor Day, was seriously the busiest I've ever seen the pool. It was so packed they had 3 “adult swims” in a row at 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm. Unheard of! We got to see friends that day and hang out. It was really lovely and a great way to end the pool season.

Tuesday, we had the day off so me and the girls did work around the house including cleaning out my youngest child's room. In the end we threw away 6 garbage bags of trash and junk! We picked up CSA veggies and got frozen yogurt. It was a nice day off despite all the work.

Wednesday, it was back to school! HALLELUJAH!! My oldest started 6th grade and my youngest started 3rd grade. They're so big now. I got a little tear in my eye, right before I jumped for joy and went for a walk BY MYSELF. It was glorious. Lol.

Thursday, it was so hot. SO SO HOT. It was 103ºF with the heat index and the school district called a half day since none of the schools have air conditioning.

Friday, it was much cooler and everything was back to normal. I also got my car back from the dealership. I had taken it in the Friday before because the Check Engine light was on. Guess what? Some little bastard chipmunk or squirrel had climbed up into my car and chewed the wires on something! They had to drop out half the engine and splice in new wires. I was angry and also laughing my butt off. Ugh. It was an expensive repair and now I'm glaring at every chipmunk I see.

I've been taking it easy, doing lots of reading and knitting, plus working on my next book. It's been a slow start to the book as I figure out what's supposed to happen in this part of the story. But I wrote on it today and I got some great ideas! So I'm going to jot them down and keep going.

What else happened this week?

One of the last days at the pool.

The CSA has been great for veggies, especially tomatoes, but we've also been getting great veggies and chilis from our own garden too.

We had a Blue Crab feast last weekend. I have determined that this is not my favorite kind of crab and I would prefer to eat something that doesn't require as much work or hassle.

I'm making great progress on my knit, and I'm even farther along than this! Working on the last striped section now. But there are literally eleventy-billion stitches on the needles and one row takes a freaking EON to knit. So it's slow going.

After cleaning six bags of junk out of my youngest daughter's room, we went out for much-deserved frozen yogurt.

It was great to be back in the park this week!

I enjoyed a lovely daiquiri last night.

And this treat ended up on my doorstep! I loved these books as a kid, so I totally dropped for the Babysitter's Club tin! My oldest is reading the first book now.

Coming up this week on the blog: the publication of MATSURI AND MURDER, and my 5th anniversary in publishing post. Not sure what else!

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S. J. Pajonas