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August 2018 Goals

I'm kinda glad July is over! We had a vacation, a birthday, and lots of rain. It was stressful!

What Happened With July's Goals?

Get back to my for-fun writing project and finish it. I'm not finished but I'M VERY CLOSE. I should be done by Friday! So, close enough on this goal.

Start selling direct. I'm not selling direct yet, but only because it's taking a long time to set things up. I'm working on it bit by bit though. I've uploaded a lot of books. I've set up BookFunnel to work with PayHip. I just need to get some more books up there and test all the webhooks out.

Continue to keep away from sweets and keep practicing intermittent fasting. I'm not doing a great job with this. I need to be better.

More of the same: walking, reading, knitting. Okay! I've been great about this one! I'm walking. I'm doing yoga again. I'm reading! I'm knitting!

A Look Back At July

Business Goals For August

Take a break from writing. As soon as I'm done with this book, in just another day or two, I'm done with writing for the month. I'm taking time off. I need it for my sanity! Of course, knowing me, I'll be thinking about all the revisions I want to do on the book I just finished and what I want to write next. That's okay. I'll save those for September.

Get through the launch of DESTINATION: MURDER. This is a big deal for me. I haven't been in a box set in YEARS. So I'm doing my best to help out with the marketing and advertising. And there are Facebook parties and giveaways and lots of other stuff. But the launch week will be over soon.

Clean up the website. I won't be writing this month because I have a ton of website stuff to do. It's time to get rid of the titled image headers across the site. It's time to make all of my old posts Pinterest friendly. It's time to add more reviews and pinnable images to all my books' pages. It's time to just clean stuff up. My website is now my main marketing vehicle. It needs to be tip-top.

Set up my direct store. By the time September rolls around, I want to be selling everything I have direct. I also want to pull down stuff from other stores that's not selling and just sell that direct.

Take a break from my sales. I'm stepping back from being a full-time author (something I'll talk about later in August). I've terminated most of my ads that weren't doing me any good. I've left a ton of Facebook author groups. I deleted everything from Instafreebie. I unsubscribed from all the book discount emails. I deleted all of my book marketing help books from my kindle. Closed all of my sales channel browser windows. I'm going to keep this up and not check my sales again until the end of the month.

Personal Goals For August

Continue to keep away from sweets and keep practicing intermittent fasting. It'll be hard this month, but I'll give it a shot!

Finish my knitting project! Without writing, I hope to take more time to listen to audiobooks and finish this knit.

More of the same: walking, yoga, reading. Looking forward to this!

Have a great August everybody!

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S. J. Pajonas