The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Hopefully you all have been enjoying my Japan posts. I see that they don't get a lot of comments or views, but maybe they'll be more interesting as time goes on? I don't know. I enjoy putting them on the blog and sharing my trip with you all, so they'll continue into the fall!
This week was a little hectic. Monday was fine. Then Tuesday the kids had dentist appointments so I decided to keep them home from camp for the day. We did the dentist (no cavities) and then had lunch, went to get our CSA vegetable share, then to the park to check out the newly built playground there. In the evening, we enjoyed more of The Flash and Supergirl.
Wednesday, I was beat but I had promised to take the kids to see the summer musical, Crazy For You. It was great fun and we really enjoyed the performance, but it was late and my kids always get grumpy at night. So I was happy for that day to be over.
Thursday, I did the grocery shopping after going for a walk in the morning. Getting out and walking was tough this week due to the abundance of rain we've had. It rained for almost a week straight! In the afternoon, the kids took a quick dip in the pool and then we came home for piano lessons.
Friday, I drove my car to the dealership to get some repairs and maintenance done on it, and I picked up the loaner car. I made it back home by 9:15am so I was able to fit in some yoga before my usual 10:15am breakfast. I'm now waiting for the dealership to call me, probably Monday or Tuesday, to let me know what needs to be done on the car and how much it'll cost.
Yesterday, it was nice out! FINALLY! So we made it to the pool all day, from 11am to 5pm. Of course, that wasn't enough for my youngest. She complained when it was time to leave and I had to remind her that we had been at the pool for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT. Mommy loves the pool, but I have my limits.
Today, we'll be at the pool later again. I plan on getting some writing done and some reading too. I'm reading a really great book right now! I can't wait to talk about it in a Book Chat.
What else happened this week?
My new mascot, Domo-kun, approves of fish tacos.
Lots of good veggies from the CSA this week!
So much freaking rain! I made it out to walk between thunderstorms, but it wasn't pleasant at all. Very wet and humid.
Crazy For You was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed it.
My husband made good use of the eggplant we got from the CSA by making eggplant parmesan.
I crossed over 50k on the WIP. Only a little more to go!
My knitting is coming along! Since I'm taking off August from writing, I plan on knitting a lot during the month.
I had my once yearly treat of fried Oreos at the pool! Yum!
And my Kindle… It had been acting REALLY slow. REALLY. To the point where I didn't want to read on it anymore. So I decided to tackle it this weekend. I deleted a whole ton of books off it of (they're still in the Cloud) to free up some space, then restarted. Then the poor thing got stuck in a restarting loop. It restarted itself at least five times before it found a system update, installed that, and restarted again. I thought it was a goner! But it's working great now. It has much more room on it and it responds to touch much faster. Phew!
Coming up this week on the blog: a post about MATSURI AND MURDER, Monthly Goals, and another Japan post.