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The Blog Has Been Quiet Because I’m in Japan!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to check-in in case you wondered why the blog has been so quiet and I didn't update on Sunday, as I usually do. That's because I was on a long-haul flight to Japan! I've been here since the weekend and I'm loving it, of course. I flew into Tokyo first and spent a few days there. Now I'm in Kanazawa, but I leave today for Kyoto via the Thunderbird shinakansen. I'm looking forward to riding on a Thunderbird. Lol.

This will be a quick update since I have places to see before my train later, but here are some of the photos I've been posting to Instagram. If you want to get more updates from me with lots more photos, you can follow me there.

Here are some scenes from my trip in no particular order…

I will return to the blog late next week with updates and more photos from my trip! See you on the flip side!

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S. J. Pajonas