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Teaser Tuesday – Apex Of Life

It's time for another #TeaserTuesday for FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT!

One of the central themes to this whole series is the notion of being human. What is it about humanity, human emotions, and sentience that makes us unique? I know that people a lot more cynical than me may think that humans are just as bad as any other animal on Earth, but I think differently. I believe that humans have such a huge capacity for creation, art, and emotion, and that, while we still have a long way to go, we're something to be cherished, not something to be damned.

Of course, my series is not without its villains, but Yumi knows better than to judge everyone by a few. And this moment, when she looks at Rin and really sees him, deep in her heart, she knows she wants to be with him for a long time. That she's still open for love, and it's something the androids in this society will ever have… or will they?

Want to purchase FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT?

This book is available now on Amazon, iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and Google Play! View the cover, blurb, read an excerpt, and purchase FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT via my website…


I'll be back next week with another teaser! Don't forget to leave a review for FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT when you're done reading!

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S. J. Pajonas