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May 2018 Goals

April was here and gone in a flash! Now, on to May!

What Happened With April's Goals?

Figure out what I have to do to be GDPR compliant. This is done so far. I have updated my privacy policy and added the cookie warnings. I will still be re-engaging my non-opens on the mailing list but probably closer to mid-May now.

Continue writing on new book. I only wrote a little on this, mainly because FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT took up most of my time.

Edit FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. Did this. And this time I kept track of how fast I can edit so that I can better estimate my editing time on future projects.

Schedule FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT for publication in May and update website with cover. Done. Website is updated and the book is out there for pre-order.

Produce any teasers or other promotional material for FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. Done. I have made 5 teasers for the five weeks in May. The first one went live yesterday.

Plot out beginning of Daydreamer 5. This did not happen and that's because I have been asked to write a novella for a list-aiming cozy mystery box set! More details below in May's goals.

Figure out how to sell direct from my website. I think I know what I want to do with this but I don't think I'll get around to implementing it until fall.

Keep away from sweets. I did good with this goal! I'm only having a few sweets during the day and I'm now deep into intermittent fasting which is also going well.

More of the same: walking, reading, knitting. There was walking and reading. Very little knitting.

A Look Back At April

Business Goals For May

Start writing new Miso Cozy Novella. I was approached by a box set organizer to participate in a new list-aiming box set to be sold in August. The theme is murders while on vacation! You can learn more about the set here. I haven't been added to the list of authors yet as I was just approached this past week. I will be writing a novella with Mei, Akiko, and Kayo on vacation to Kayo's hometown. We'll get to meet some of her family and friends and solve a murder while we're there. Expect this novella in August in the box set and then in late September on its own.

Keep writing on the other WIP. The first book in the Flyght series needs to be finished! I hope I can get it done by early June. Can I work on two projects at once? Let's see!

Recompile and upload all the books of the Hikoboshi Series. I got all the covers tweaked for the Hikoboshi Series so that the titles on the covers are consistent. I also want to add a chapter preview to the end of each book. So I will be recompiling all the books and uploading the updated manuscripts and covers to all the vendors.

Replace all the covers of the HIkoboshi Series on my website. This is always a bit of an undertaking. Not only do I have to replace the cover images but also all the supporting images that use the cover, like the Twitter Cards, the sidebar image, and the smaller thumbnails in the media kit. I always forget something.

Travel to Chicago May 4-6 for the Sell More Books Show Summit. I will be gone this coming weekend at a conference in Chicago. I'm so looking forward to this! Not only will I be meeting lots of authors and learning new stuff, but I hope to see some of Chicago while I'm there. I'll also be visiting an old friend who I haven't seen in YEARS. It'll be a nice weekend.

Personal Goals For May

Handle my youngest daughter's First Communion. Thankfully this is mostly my husband's job as he's in charge of that area of our life. But still, this will involve lots of cleaning and entertaining.

Figure out how to use this gimble thing I bought. I bought this thing for my phone. It's basically a combo selfie-stick and steady cam so you can take steady videos. I want to learn to use it before I leave for Japan. There are tutorials on YouTube, thank god.

Plan out my trip and go to Japan! Yes! It's almost here! I'll be in Japan May 19th-29th! And there's lots of prep work involved in this as well. I have my JR Rail Pass and I've purchased my mobile wifi hot spot (which will be delivered to the hotel for me). Now I just need to plan out what I'm doing and when. I have most everything set. I have rooms booked in both Kanazawa and Kyoto. I have a tea farm tour booked. Now I just need to figure out what to do each day and which trains to take. Should be a lot of fun! I'll get started on the planning next week.

Continue to keep away from sweets and keep practicing intermittent fasting. So far so good with my new eating lifestyle. Let's keep it up!

More of the same: walking, reading, knitting. Self-explanatory.

Have a great May everybody!

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S. J. Pajonas