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Sunday Update – April 22, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another chaotic and busy week here! We were back on our usual schedule which meant Mondays are back at gymnastics and Wednesdays will try to kill me with both tennis and softball, but that's the standard kind of week around here. This week will be worse! Lol.

The weather wasn't any better either. It was still cold and windy, and several days I had to wear my winter coat again. Dear god, I can't wait to put away the winter weather gear for good! But I better hold onto everything until May at the very least. I did make it out for a few walks this week, which was nice, so at least there's that.

I'm sad to say the foxes are gone. I plan to post about them one more time this week with a last few videos and images I got of them. The kits were getting really big, and with five of them in that little den that's usually used for groundhogs, I bet they just ran out of room. There's a huge plot of land, about 20 acres, just to the south of us that I think they migrated to. I'm sad their time here is over, but I'm really glad I had that experience of seeing those babies. It was a treat I'll never forget.

In work news, I finished principal edits on FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT and I moved onto my proofreading/listening stage. When I'm in the final edits phase, I listen to the whole book being read to me by my computer before I send out to ARC Readers and my last proofreaders. This is a critical step for me, and I never skip it. I catch tons of missing or misspelled words this way. Just yesterday I caught a paragraph that was technically and grammatically fine, but I realized I had composed three sentences in a row in the exact same manner. I didn't notice this until the computer read it to me! So it was good to catch something like that. I should be done tomorrow!

What else happened this week?

I've started chewing gum again. I missed gum a lot but had given it up because aspartame didn't agree with me. These gums have a smaller amount of aspartame than the fully sugar-free gums and I can chew them!

Spring is really trying to show its face around here, but it's not doing so good. The cherry tree in front of our house still hasn't bloomed and usually it blooms the first week of April.

There were bath bombs this week.

I took photos of our selection of Polar seltzer for a friend of mine. She was dismayed by how little she has to choose from in Minnesota. Here, we have a lot.

I bought a set of sushi erasers for my youngest as part of her culture project at school. She chose to study Japan! :) Of course.

We played Monopoly last night and the seven-year-old won with a ton of money and hotels. The kid bankrupted us all! The little stinker.

And I was treated to a tiki drink last night. We got these glasses at the Polynesian resort in DisneyWorld. I love them!

Coming up this week on the blog: a final fox post and the cover reveal and pre-order links for FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. There may be a discussion post, but right now I'm super busy. We shall see!

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S. J. Pajonas