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Sunday Update – April 15, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What a week!! If you missed it, my whole life was changed this week when a fox family moved into my backyard. People, my favorite animal EVER is the fox. I love them to death. Owls are a close second, but foxes are totally my thing. So early in the week, when we realized a mama fox and her babies had moved into the old groundhog den, I became obsessed with them. I barely remember doing anything else this week!

But we did do other things. The kids went back to school and I got started on my revisions and copy edits of FUKUSHA MODEL EIGHT. We didn't have obligations after school both Monday and Tuesday, so both days were rather chill.

Then on Wednesday, everything was busy! I had my chiropractor appointment and the cleaning ladies came. Then in the afternoon, the girls had tennis, then my youngest had softball practice right after. Busy busy!

Thursday and Friday, it was back to business as usual. I went on walks outside and kept on with my edits. I watched the foxes a lot and put together videos of them.

Saturday was a busy day, too! It was so nice outside! It got up to 80ºF here and felt more like summer than spring. It was opening day for our local baseball and softball leagues. My youngest participated in the town parade and had a blast. Then we went with the older child to help her sell Girl Scout cookies at the local grocery store. Then in the afternoon, me and the oldest child attended the youngest child's softball game. It was hot and sunny, but I was prepared with a chair, hat, and long sleeve shirt to keep the sun off of me. We enjoyed the game and then the kids played outside all afternoon and into the evening.

Today, the weather took a turn for the worse. It's now barely 40ºF outside, cold and windy. I've stayed indoors all day, and I've been working and editing while mostly at my treadmill desk.

What else happened this week?

So, yeah, Mama Fox and her babies moved into the old groundhog den in the shed behind our yard. We love seeing them out and about playing! If you missed my posts and videos, you can check them out here.

The return to colder weather was a hard one. Oof. It made my walks in the park hard to get through!

Taco Tuesday turned into Taco Tuesday and leftover Taco Wednesday Lunch. Mmmm.

I hit a milestone in my current WIP! Passed the 30k mark and kept on going.

Here are some of the vintage items my parents collect at their house.

The turtles were out on their log near the end of the week when the weather was nicer.

I enjoyed another Blood Orange cider from Eastciders. I had this in South Carolina and then my husband saw it at Fairway and bought it for me.

And we tried a new-to-us fish for dinner, Opah. I had never seen it before but my Whole Foods had it. We really enjoyed it! And I had it on my salad today for lunch too.

Coming up this week on the blog: That writing update I never got to last week because of the foxes, a post on GDPR compliance, and I don't know… something else, hopefully! Maybe some more foxes. Lol. I'm really playing this by the seat of my pants.

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S. J. Pajonas