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Sunday Update – April 8, 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Sit down and get comfortable. I haven't done one of these in two weeks so I have plenty to share, y'all! Notice I said y'all. After a week in the South, it comes easy.

The week before Easter went about as well as expected. The weather was still crap, and there were a few things we had to do that made things difficult, but we got everything done before vacation. Easter weekend was nice too. We went to my in-laws on Long Island to have Easter Sunday brunch and dinner and do an Easter egg hunt in the yard. It's tradition, and we love it. The weather was lovely for the day too! Bright and sunny and warm enough outside to be without a jacket.

Then that night and the very next day, it snowed. OF COURSE IT SNOWED. Because we were to leave on vacation. The snow stopped mid-morning, we dug ourselves out, and then we left to drive to JFK to get our flight. We got really lucky and hit absolutely no traffic on the way there. I don't think we've ever made it to JFK in under an hour but we did. Once we were checked in, we ate sushi at the fancy sushi restaurant in the Jet Blue terminal and then waited for our flight. Our flight was a little delayed but not too bad. We got the kids pizza for dinner on the plane and my husband and I had sandwiches. We made it to my parents later than we would've liked but we were on vacation!

Tuesday, we went to the beach after my husband and my dad got back from golfing. Then we had dinner at a great restaurant nearby.

Wednesday, my husband and I went on to see some historic houses in Charleston, and we had lunch in the city then dinner back at home.

On Thursday, my mom and I took the kids to the Children's Museum in the city, had lunch out, then my husband and I had our traditional yearly date out for dinner and drinks without the kids.

On Friday, we went to the beach in the morning and it was just lovely. The weather was cool and there was no traffic down to the beach! When we were done there, we went out to lunch and I had a huge bucket of crab. Mmmmmm. Then I met up with fellow author, Sarra Cannon, for coffee and we talked for almost 3 hours straight! It was so good to see her and hang out.

On Saturday, we flew home in the morning and were home by 1pm. Vacation was over. :( It always goes by so quickly!!

All in all, I got some writing done and some reading too! Not a bad way to end my vacation. Today, we're just getting back into the swing of things because school starts back up tomorrow and so does work. Real life continues!

What else happened these past two weeks?

Spring is starting to show its face around here…

The turtles at our park lake are even out!

I made homemade croutons when I ran out. They're yummy.

Finally decided to try some of these fancy Japanese KitKats. These were the purple yam variety and they were pretty tasty.

I've been trying to convince myself to read more lately. Quiet time on the couch with my Kindle is nice.

Scenes from Easter Sunday. My youngest daughter got Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets from the Easter Bunny. We had an Easter Egg Hunt with the family, and my kids got a lot of eggs!

Yep, we got a lot of snow the night before we left on our trip.

But we made it to the airport to have sushi at the fancy restaurant.

Scenes from our first day in South Carolina. I love all these new colorful houses around my parents. The cat loves her perch on the windowsill. My kids love feeding the turtles in the pond in my parents' neighborhood. And then the beach! It took us a while to get there, but we made it.

I had some tasty drinks on the this vacation. The first was a Limoncello sake that was really good and then Austin Eastcider's Blood Orange cider! Mmmm.

We spent all day on Wednesday touring historic houses in Charleston and then found this place called Miller's All Day for tea and coffee before we Ubered a car to our car parked on the other side of the city. Man, Charleston was packed that day!

We started our Friday with an Easter egg hunt and the beach, then a big bucket of crab for lunch!

I dropped off a few of my books in this Little Free Library! If you want to read them, go to the Ocean Neighbors neighborhood on James Island. The Little Free Library is right inside the entrance next to its welcome sign.

And one of the best parts of my trip was meeting up with fellow author, Sarra Cannon. We had coffee together and just talked talked talked for hours. It's funny how we've known each other for years online and had never met in person before Friday, yet, it was like we were old friends. We have a lot of the same thoughts about writing and publishing, so it was like being with a kindred spirit. I hope to see her again next time I'm in town!

And now I'm back home and ready to get back to work!

Here's some video of our trip too!

Coming up this week on the blog: Another Top Ten Tuesday, a Writing Update, and a Book Chat! See you back here real soon.

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S. J. Pajonas