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Trillian – Knitting FO

I'm so pleased that I can post about another finished knit within a year of finishing my last knit! Lol. It's not like I'm churning out knits every month around here. I mostly knit on my WIPs when I have downtime between books or when I'm really brainstorming something, which is why I was able to finish this little beauty last weekend!

This is Trillian by Martina Behm in Ellen's Half Pint Farms Merino Nylon. (I could have sworn this was superwash, but apparently my memory deceives me which no one will be surprised about.) I bought this yarn about 8-10 years ago at Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool festival and I wasn't sure what to do with it, so it sat in my stash for ages. When I decided I wanted something simple to knit while dictating my last book, this pattern and yarn jumped forward to do the job.

I memorized this pattern pretty quickly, which made it easy to pick up and put down again. Perfect for when my brain was fried or if I wanted to listen to podcasts while knitting.

All in all, it was an enjoyable knit, and since this is the second shawl I've knit by this designer, I'm sure I'll knit more of her designs in the future.

Here are the details!

by Martina Behm
(View this project on Ravelry)

US 5 – 3.75 mm

Ellen's Half Pint Farm Merino Nylon Sock – Rainbow

Started – June 1 2017
Completed – March 10 2018

Now I wonder what I'm going to make next!

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1 thought on “Trillian – Knitting FO”

  1. Pingback: Sunday Update - March 18, 2018 - S. J. Pajonas

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S. J. Pajonas