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Sunday Update – February 11, 2018

I was thinking I might skip this week's Sunday Update since not much has happened since I was sick but I've been so good about doing my Sunday Update every single week for the past few years that I didn't want to miss it. :)

The good news is that I'm almost completely fever-free at this point. It's been really low today, around 99.3ºF, which has been nice. My cough is getting more productive and less frequent, and my head is less congested as well. The antibiotics are doing their thing, and though I have some side effects from them, they're much easier to bear than the actual sickness. I should be totally fine by Tuesday or Wednesday.

In writing and work news, I'm getting The Kami No Sekai Short Story Omnibus paperback ready to go, I'm uploading CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD to other vendors as it will be done with Kindle Unlimited tomorrow, and I'm writing as well. I actually wrote my 1000 words quota yesterday and I hope to write some more tonight as soon as I'm done posting this. I had a little break-through on this book too, which is energizing me to keep going to the end. I still think I can finish this book in February, or come very close!

What else happened this week?

It's been a week of medication. First the Walgreens NyQuil did not work for me. In fact, I was awake all night when I took it. But the antibiotics are working like a charm.

My neti pot is getting a ton of use this week, that's for sure.

We enjoyed a fire in the fireplace the other night!

And I'm also enjoying my kid's Fun Dip valentines. Our school has a no-food-no-candy policy for all holidays and birthdays, and my husband didn't know this when he took the kid shopping, so these are now for home! She got other valentines for school. :)

Coming up this week on the blog: a notice when CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD is available on all retailers, the launch of THE KAMI NO SEKAI OMNIBUS, and a cozy mystery sale!

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S. J. Pajonas